Of the huge number of women who meet on the path of a man, it is very difficult to choose a truly worthy one. Finding a faithful and loving wife is not easy, especially when you don't know what to look out for.

Outward signs of a faithful wife
Long-term observations made it possible to identify a number of visual features of the female character, indicating her monogamy. The most noticeable are the minimum of cosmetics and the absence of bright provocative clothes.
Lovers of revealing outfits constantly lack male attention. And it directly follows from this that once they have chosen one representative, they will not stop there. Excess makeup will indicate that such a woman is constantly trying to hide her true face behind an external mask.
It is rather difficult to expect loyalty from a young companion who prefers to devote all her free time to nightclubs and changes her gentlemen in packs. But the statement that the woman of your dreams is sitting in the library reading room all day long does not follow from this. Fidelity is, first of all, the maturity of the mind. A woman with this quality always values herself and her own choice, respects her chosen one and does not give reasons for jealousy. You will be able to get to know a person well only after long-term communication with him.
What else is worth paying attention to?
If you are trying to find a faithful and sincere companion in life, pay attention to those for whom you are the first man in their life. First love is never forgotten. Therefore, if you are lucky enough to meet a person who has tender feelings for you, the likelihood that someone else will appear in her life is negligible. Rarely does such a relationship end in a breakup.
If you are not sure that your chosen one is capable of being a faithful companion in life, pay attention to her environment and observe her in everyday life. Get to know the friends of your beloved, who "in secret" will tell about all the guys with whom she met before you, mention the reasons for the breakup.
Carefully observe your chosen one, peer at her behavior, evaluate words and deeds. The girl's chastity is manifested even in the clothes she prefers, the manner of communication, the absence of coquetry and flirting with other men. All attempts to please her are aimed exclusively at you alone.
In an ideal couple, the wife always supports her husband in everything and always. Most men want to see in their companion not only the woman they love, but also a loyal and reliable friend with whom you can always share doubts or problems. Pay attention to how she keeps the secrets that her friends have entrusted to her. If what has become known to her is "secretly" communicated to the whole world, be prepared for betrayal on her part.