Few things in our life happen forever. As a person is not eternal, so much less the relationship of lovers is not eternal. Everyone asks about the end of the world, but many women ask themselves a completely different question, namely, how to expose her husband's betrayal.

Step 1
If you suspect your husband of treason, do not rush to conclusions or run to a fortune teller, try to figure out the situation yourself. First, pay attention to some little things. Many men don't wear makeup. If your man has unexpectedly acquired the best cologne and stocked up on creams, he is probably determined to change his life. But not with you.
Step 2
Cook his favorite dish. If suspicions are correct, most likely, he will refuse to eat, or dinner will not cause him anything but disappointment.
Step 3
Try to expose your husband's cheating in bed. If sex has long ceased to be the highlight of your relationship, and then suddenly a man has incredible fantasies that may frighten you. Or quite the opposite. In bed, everything always suited you both, sex was regular, but now there are constant tricks on his part, just not to show you openly that sex with you is now not very interesting for him.
Step 4
Pay attention to his behavior in the morning. Perhaps now he is happily leaving for work. Selects the best shirts, which he regularly updates. And at work he began to linger with pleasure.
Step 5
Try also staying late at work or leaving in the evening without warning to see a friend. Usually the husband was hurt by this, and he began to be jealous? And now it won't even surprise him that you stayed all night? Or it may be that he became jealous completely unreasonably, he began to be annoyed by the fact that you understand everything, you always have only good feelings for him and do not say a word to him about your suspicions.
Step 6
Either way, don't jump to conclusions about your husband's unusual behavior. After all, every person, be it a woman, a man or even a child, always has his own aspirations. Maybe your husband is preparing a surprise and is so worried that you have become suspicious of him, but not at all!