How To Forgive Your Husband's Betrayal

How To Forgive Your Husband's Betrayal
How To Forgive Your Husband's Betrayal

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A happy family, a well-organized life, no financial problems, peace and harmony. The betrayal of her husband is always a thunderbolt and lightning from a clear sky, because no one expects such an act. No woman can be sure that this trouble will not touch her. Betrayal in the family is often identified with adultery. The appearance of a third person in bed - a rival, a mistress, like a blow with a whip. First the pain, and then the river of tears. Wise women learn to forgive in order to make an effort to keep their families together.

How to forgive a husband's betrayal
How to forgive a husband's betrayal


Step 1

Let your tears flow. Cry as much as you can. Do it all at once, without stretching or luring your depression. Let the steam come out, the veil of indignation, aggression, arrogance, poisonous green anger will subside. You need to calm down to start thinking, and then to act.

Step 2

You found out that your spouse has cheated on you or is cheating on you. Make sure of this as much as possible. Try to find out who this woman is, what she is. How long this romance lasts, how serious it is, does anyone from mutual acquaintances know about the spree of her husband - find the answers to these questions.

Step 3

Now it's time to dig into yourself. Think about the reason for the betrayal: the crisis of family life, the result of long faded feelings, accumulated domestic or financial problems, lack of attention on your part, and the like. Try to understand what was the impetus for your spouse to start a relationship on the side.

Step 4

Talk to your husband. Do not shout, do not throw accusations and vases at the same time. You have already put forward your version (mentally), now listen to his opinion. Do not press on your spouse, calmly get to the truth, no matter how bitter it turns out to be.

Step 5

Decide for yourself what is more dear to you: to keep your family and improve relationships or send your loved one to hell. If the second option is closer to you, then, without hesitation, ask your spouse to collect his things and free the territory. You will be able to forgive him when he is gone, over time. The faster you meet a new prince on a white horse on your way, the easier it will be to forgive your past betrayal. You will begin to perceive the past as a necessary stage for a brighter future. You will also say thank you to the one who once betrayed you.

Step 6

If you think your family needs another chance, then fight it. Fight, clenching aggression into a fist, directing negative energy into a good cause, into action. Think back to all the things that attracted your spouse when you first started dating. Use all your potential to create a “new self,” thousands of times better than the old one. Improve yourself, become an ideal not only for your spouse, but also for potential boyfriends. Flirting will cheer you up and fuel you to work in the same direction.

Step 7

Do not think about betrayal yourself and do not remind your spouse. With your next suspicion and desire to tighten your spouse's collar, distract yourself, relax and smile. Drive away such thoughts.

Step 8

Get the man to seek your favor. Sexual relations will have to be rebuilt piece by piece, and you may not enjoy them very much for some time. Best advice: make love when you feel like it, not your spouse. A man should try to seduce you, just like the very first time. The shadow of the third superfluous in bed will remind you of what happened until basic trust is established between you.
