Determining the exact day of conception and childbirth is very difficult. All the ways that can answer two questions of concern to every pregnant woman will give only approximate dates. However, knowing even the approximate day of conception and, accordingly, the day of birth, one can quite imagine when the long-awaited moment of the birth of the child will occur and thoroughly prepare.

Step 1
Establishing the exact date of conception will not be difficult for those women who monitor their menstrual cycle and know what day they ovulate. Indeed, only during the release of a mature egg from the follicle can you become pregnant. The menstrual cycle usually lasts 28-35 days. Ovulation occurs exactly in the middle of this period. For example, if your cycle lasts 28 days, then ovulation occurs at 12-14 days. Many women are sure that conception took place on the day of intercourse. This belief is wrong. You can get pregnant only during ovulation, and this date may not coincide with the day of intercourse (as you know, sperm live for several days).
Step 2
By the date of conception, you can easily calculate when you will give birth. If you are sure that you know day X, then feel free to add 280 days to this date (this is how long the pregnancy lasts). The resulting number is the estimated due date.
Step 3
Some gynecologists set the approximate due date for the first day of the last menstrual period. Knowing the day of the month when your period began, and using the simple Negele formula, you can calculate the due date. To do this, you need to subtract three months from the first day of menstruation and add seven days to the resulting number. This count is not 100% accurate. The fact is that the formula is designed for women with a menstrual cycle of 28 days. Those with a larger or smaller cycle can seriously miscalculate.
Step 4
When calculating the day of delivery, the time of the first movement of the baby is also taken into account. Usually, a pregnant woman first experiences movement at 16-17 weeks. To the date of the first stirring, you need to add 5 months for those who give birth for the first time, and 5, 5 - for those who give birth for the first time. It turns out the estimated date of birth.
Step 5
The most reliable due date can be found by going through an ultrasound examination. An ultrasound scan identifies and specifies how many days a pregnancy lasts. The specialist learns this by measuring the parameters of the fetus. According to the level of development of the child, it calculates the duration of pregnancy Accordingly, knowing how many days you are in position, you can easily calculate the due date.
Step 6
When determining the due date, other specific signs can also help, which the specialist must take into account: heartbeat and fetal movement, change in the size of the uterus, determination of the height of the fundus of the uterus.
Step 7
When labor approaches, other signs will appear that can determine the date of birth of the child: painless training contractions, lowering the fetus into the pelvis, contraction of the uterus.