How To Determine The Exact Date Of Conception

How To Determine The Exact Date Of Conception
How To Determine The Exact Date Of Conception

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Conception (fertilization) is nothing more than the fusion of female reproductive cells with male ones. Male reproductive cells continue to maintain their functionality for two days. In the event that the egg does not enter the stage of ovulation during this period, conception will not take place, and they will die. It is for this reason that the most favorable day for conception is the day of ovulation.

How to determine the exact date of conception
How to determine the exact date of conception


Step 1

It is possible to calculate the date of conception of a child using special conception calculators, which are full of them on the Internet.

Step 2

To determine the date of conception, you can resort to a simple formula. Mark your child's date of birth on the calendar. Subtract a week from this number. Add 3 months to this number. Add another 2 weeks to the new date. The end result is the date of conception. Just do not forget that such a result is very approximate.

Step 3

The most favorable moment for conception is the period of ovulation. Accordingly, the exact date of conception and the date of ovulation are the same. With a menstrual cycle of 28 days, ovulation usually occurs on the fourteenth day. At this time, the likelihood of getting pregnant is maximum. The egg cell retains its viability during the day, therefore, the possibility of conception is excluded already a day after ovulation. If the menstrual cycle lasts 21-24 days, then ovulation occurs on the 10-12th day. If 32-35 days - then ovulation begins on 16-18 days, counting from the beginning of menstruation.

Step 4

Another way to determine the date of conception (ovulation) and favorable days for conception is a calculation based on the basal temperature graph (in the rectum). Every morning, without getting out of bed, at the same time, a woman should insert a thermometer about 5 centimeters into the rectum (or vagina). It takes 7-10 minutes to measure the temperature. Before ovulation, the temperature is below 37 degrees, after ovulation, the temperature slightly exceeds this figure. The day before the rise in temperature is the day of ovulation.

Step 5

You can determine the date of conception (ovulation) based on the analysis of mucus secreted by the cervix. A couple of days before the maturation of the egg, the thick and sticky vaginal discharge becomes stringy and transparent. Conception is almost inevitable these days.

Step 6

To calculate the exact date of conception, you can seek help from a specialist. To do this, you just need to pass a smear at approximately the middle stage of the menstrual cycle. Using the method of a simple analysis of mucus from the cervix, the gynecologist can easily establish the date of your ovulation with an accuracy of 1-2 days.

Step 7

But there is an even simpler method for determining the date of conception. Go to any pharmacy and purchase special tests to determine ovulation. They are divided into two categories: the first gives readings based on changes in the composition of saliva, while the second is in contact with urine.

Step 8

In the first place in terms of reliability and simplicity of determining the date for conception, ultrasound remains. One hundred percent result is guaranteed to you.
