The birth of a child is the greatest miracle in a woman's life. But her body is designed so that pregnancy occurs only on certain days of the monthly cycle. Knowing the methods of determining the right moment, you can plan for conceiving a child, as well as protect yourself from it if you are not yet ready to have offspring.

Step 1
Conception occurs at the moment when the sperm fertilizes the egg. A woman's body produces eggs once a month, around the middle of the menstrual cycle. In the ovary, a follicle matures, from which an egg is released under the influence of hormones. This process is called ovulation. To conceive a child, you need to determine the onset of ovulation or its proximity. Sperm can live in the uterus and tubes for up to 10 days, and the egg can live for only 24 hours, so conception is possible if intercourse occurs before or during ovulation.
Step 2
Advances in modern science have given women the opportunity to learn about pregnancy through tests. In the same way, you can determine the moment of onset of ovulation. Buy a special set of test strips from the pharmacy, dip 1 strip into a vessel with urine for several days and evaluate the result by the color of the lines. When it turns out to be positive, take action if you want to have a baby, or use protection if your time has not yet come.
Step 3
You can also use other methods for determining ovulation. They do not require investment, but are associated with regular monitoring of the processes occurring in the body. This is a method of monitoring cervical mucus, basal temperature measurement and a symptothermal method that combines the first two.
Step 4
Cervical mucus is produced in the uterus during the entire cycle, but in different phases it has a different consistency. As a rule, before ovulation, it becomes transparent and stringy, similar to egg white. When using the toilet, pay attention to underwear and vaginal discharge. You can take a sample of mucus with your fingers by washing your hands thoroughly. If the mucus is wet and slippery, ovulation is close or just arrived.
Step 5
To apply the basal temperature method, take your rectal temperature at the same time every day, without getting out of bed, and plot the results on the graph. When the temperature starts to rise, you can wait for the onset of ovulation. After three days of stable growth, the fertile days are over.
Step 6
Symptothermal method is based on a combination of basal temperature measurement and monitoring of cervical mucus. In addition, it takes into account the position of the cervix, the degree of its openness and softness: before ovulation, the cervix rises, opens and becomes softer, and then drops. It is quite difficult for a layman to assess this, but in the process of observation, experience will come.