Stimulation of labor - artificial or natural procedures and methods that accelerate the activation of labor. Stimulation measures are carried out if the expectant mother has serious diseases, placental abruption, large fetal weight, premature discharge of amniotic fluid and other factors that prevent a woman from giving birth on her own.

Methods of natural stimulation of labor are used in cases of overmaturity and to prepare the cervix for childbirth. By the approximate date of the onset of labor, the cervix is significantly shortened, which causes the pregnant woman to have pain in the lumbar region and frequent urination. Natural stimulation helps to relieve pain and speed up the process if the delivery did not occur on the date of birth. All natural methods of labor stimulation are absolutely safe for both the baby and his mother.
Nipple stimulation
One of the main ways to naturally stimulate labor is to massage the nipples. It is believed that when massaging and pinching the nipples in the body of a pregnant woman, the hormone oxytocin begins to be more actively produced, which causes labor pains. The nipples should be stimulated several times a day for 10-15 minutes. With this method, contractions should begin within three days after the start of stimulation.
Castor oil
Castor oil is known primarily as a natural laxative, and it is this property that is central to stimulating labor activity. Acting on the intestines, the oil simultaneously stimulates the uterus, accelerating the birth processes. Fruit juice or syrup can be added to soften the specific flavor of the oil. In half of the cases using this method, 100-150 grams of consumed castor oil causes natural contractions immediately after using it.
Modern conventional medicine does not recommend the use of castor oil, which can cause diarrhea and lead to dehydration.
Walking at a brisk pace, preferably in the fresh air, also helps to naturally stimulate labor. When the expectant mother takes active walks, the child's head, under the influence of gravity, begins to press harder on the cervix, which stimulates more active production of oxytocin. As a rule, almost all pregnant women take regular walks before childbirth, so the effectiveness of this method is rather difficult to determine. But not a single expectant mother should refuse active walks, because they contribute to the adoption of the "correct" position of the fetus before childbirth.
Oxytocin is a hormone of the hypothalamus of an oligopeptide structure, which has a stimulating effect on the smooth muscles of the uterus.
This method can also be attributed to natural methods of stimulating labor activity, but when using this method, you should still consult a homeopathic specialist. The main homeopathic remedies that enhance the activity of labor are caulophyllum and pulsatilla, which are considered absolutely safe for health. The results of surveys of many women who have already given birth indicate that homeopathic medicines have helped them solve various problems that arise during pregnancy.
In addition, natural methods of stimulation include: having sex with a mandatory violent orgasm in a pregnant woman, taking a small dose of alcohol, drinking tinctures of some medicinal herbs, inflating balloons, and acupuncture.