How To Determine The Position Of The Child

How To Determine The Position Of The Child
How To Determine The Position Of The Child

Table of contents:


In the womb, the child can take any position. Most babies are head down at the time of birth, this position is considered the most optimal for passing through the birth canal. It is not only the doctor who can determine exactly how the child lies, but also the mother herself.

The doctor can determine the position of the baby by listening to the baby's heartbeat
The doctor can determine the position of the baby by listening to the baby's heartbeat


Step 1

Until the 30th week, the location of the baby in the uterus means absolutely nothing. The kid can turn over more than once, and only in later periods can one more or less talk about his position.

Step 2

The easiest way for a doctor to determine the position of the fetus is using an ultrasound machine. Having illuminated the abdominal wall, the doctor will be able to say with confidence exactly how the baby is located.

Step 3

When manually inspected, it will look for large protruding parts. It can be either the head or the butt. Moreover, the first will be much denser to the touch, moreover, it will appear more clearly.

Step 4

But an observant mother herself, without the help of doctors, will be able to recognize exactly how her child lies. Some rely on hiccups to do this, but these feelings can be very subjective. Children in the womb hiccup with their whole body, so the location of the hiccups does not mean anything.

Step 5

Stirring can be a good clue. The baby's legs are much stronger than the hands, so he kicks quite noticeably. It happens that the expectant mother complains that the baby is literally dancing on her bladder, and as soon as the kicks move to the stomach or liver, it means that the fetus has turned upside down.

Step 6

But strong tremors in the upper abdomen can also be observed with the transverse position of the fetus. However, by the end of pregnancy, the size of the baby, lying across, allows you to feel his butt and head on the sides.

Step 7

Do not panic if it seems to you that your child is positioned incorrectly. There are cases when children were twisted and turned over in the midst of contractions. But share your concerns with the doctor, he will either refute them, or offer you special exercises with which the baby will take the correct position.
