How To Get A Young Mother Back In Shape

How To Get A Young Mother Back In Shape
How To Get A Young Mother Back In Shape

Video: How To Get A Young Mother Back In Shape

Video: How To Get A Young Mother Back In Shape

Pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding are a great time in a woman's life. It is during this period that femininity is most revealed. But, unfortunately, under the influence of hormones, changes in the appearance of a young mother often occur: fat accumulates in the hips and shoulders, the waist line leaves. A woman is already tired of her unaccustomed way of life, and then her dissatisfaction with herself is growing. All this is manifested by irritability, anxiety, which does not have a positive effect on the atmosphere of the family. But you shouldn't despair. Even in a busy mother's schedule, you can find time for yourself. You should prepare yourself for recovery from childbirth during pregnancy.

How to get a young mother back in shape
How to get a young mother back in shape

Weight control of a nursing mother. First of all, arm yourself with a notebook, pen, measuring tape and bathroom scales. What is it for?

For check weighing. Get on the scales at the beginning of the journey, then according to a self-determined schedule: once every three days, once a week - you should not weigh more or less often.

After weighing, you need to determine the volume of the body. Measure your arms (wrist and shoulder), legs (thigh), hips, waist, abdomen and chest.

Notebook. A thick checkered notebook with a volume of at least 48 sheets. You will write down the control weighing data and body volumes in the notebook. You will also need a notebook to keep records of training, nutrition, etc.

You should prepare yourself for recovery from childbirth during pregnancy. During this period, you can make a menu, choose physical exercises. At the same time, now it is better not to plan the exact time of training and the schedule of meals, since the baby will dictate his conditions and will have to find time for himself based on these conditions.


Nutrition for a nursing mother. Despite the fact that recently it has become fashionable to scold the Soviet heritage of our country, and the recommendations that Soviet doctors gave to young mothers are considered relics of the past, there was still a rational grain in these recommendations. These recommendations are available and briefly presented in the book "Children's Kitchen" by Vera Borisovna Kiseleva, edited by pediatrician Professor Vitaly Samuilovich Weil.

Nutrition of a nursing mother, on the recommendation of the authors, should be very varied and complete. The amount of liquid you drink (not only fresh water is considered, but also milk, tea, etc.) should be 700-900 g (3-4 glasses) higher than that outside the period of breastfeeding.

The book indicates that it is desirable for a nursing mother to eat food rich in vitamins (fruits, fresh vegetables). Alcohol and drugs are contraindicated. Adequate nutrition not only provides a woman's body with the nutrients she and her baby need, but also promotes early recovery after childbirth.

Physical activity of a nursing mother. The choice of physical activity for a nursing mother should be based on her well-being, the course of childbirth, the presence of stitches after a cesarean section or ruptures, and the recommendations of doctors who observed the woman in labor in the maternity hospital. If you feel good, you can do light abdominal exercises, stretching the muscles. Pay attention to yoga, Slavic health, Chinese techniques.

Breast care of a nursing mother. Breasts require a particularly careful attitude. Here you should limit yourself to wearing a comfortable bra made of natural fabric around the clock. Any exercise can do more harm than make the chest tighten. The mammary glands enlarged due to the formation of breast milk create an unusual load on the muscles and ligaments. Exercise, rubdown, massage is best left for the period when breastfeeding is complete.

The mode of work and rest of a nursing mother. To quickly return to shape after childbirth, a young mother should pay attention to the mode of work and rest. Household chores tend to never end, and the child requires a rested and full of strength mother. Therefore, sleep when the baby is asleep, and do household chores when the child is fed, washed, slept and can play on its own.

Nothing bad will happen if the husband, instead of exquisite dishes, gets scrambled eggs for dinner, and the dust can be wiped off not every day, but as needed. A modern woman has good household helpers in the form of washing machines, dishwashers, food processors, multicooker, etc. Free time can be spent on hobbies or reading a book.

It has been proven that lack of sleep and stress not only make it difficult to lose weight, but, on the contrary, contribute to the accumulation of fat. Keep in mind that Nature itself has taken care that the female body can feed a newborn child without harm to itself. This concern is due to the accumulation of fat in the thighs, buttocks, shoulders, and on the abdomen. Sometimes these reserves remain for about a year after the cessation of lactation, despite all efforts. If you cannot cope with the problem of obesity on your own after a long time after childbirth, this is a reason to contact an endocrinologist.
