Which of the parents the baby will look like is decided by genetics, operating with dominant (leading) and recessive (driven) genes. The result is a kind of genetic cocktail, prepared by the joint efforts of both parents. In fact, the resemblance to dad and mom is not accidental, it was laid down by nature for the early activation of maternal and paternal instincts.

Step 1
The gender of the child is entirely dependent on the father. In this issue, the main role is played by which of the sperm will fertilize the egg. There are as many X chromosomes that program the birth of girls as there are Y chromosomes involved in the birth of boys. In fact, boys are born a little more than girls, in view of their low resistance to disease.
Step 2
When trying to predict the color of your eyes, remember that the gene responsible for brown eyes is dominant. If one of the parents has blue eyes, and the other has brown eyes, the strong gene will most likely win and the baby will be dark-eyed. However, if this rule did not allow exceptions, the entire population of the planet would long ago become more or less monotonous. But nature, thinking through everything in advance to the smallest detail, ordered otherwise. It turns out that people with dark eyes sometimes have light-eyed children. This is possible if at least one of the relatives (even in the generation before last) was blue-eyed, green-eyed or gray-eyed.
Step 3
Blond hair is also a recessive symptom. When both parents are blonde, the child inherits the same color. If dad or mom pass him the dominant gene for dark hair, the heir will have every chance of adopting it. In principle, it is possible to merge the shades of the parent hair. As for the structure of the hair, the baby is more likely to inherit curls (or wavy hair), of course, if any of the parents has such a characteristic.
Step 4
Both the dimple on the chin and the protruding auricles of one of the parents are inherited. Scientists have come to the conclusion that a large nose with a hump should also be attributed to the dominant features.
Step 5
Most likely, the baby will inherit the short-toed, as well as the sixth finger, if one of the parents is endowed with it, of course.
Step 6
It is difficult to make predictions about the future growth of a child. As a rule, he stops at the arithmetic average between dad's and mom's height. But this is in conditions of proper and nutritious nutrition, as well as depending on the past diseases. At the same time, if the baby has an enviable appetite, moves a lot, sleeps for the allotted time and eats right, he has every chance of outgrowing his short parents.
Step 7
In general, boys are much more like moms. This is explained by the fact that they inherit only one single X chromosome, which is rich in appearance genes. In girls, the situation is different: they receive an equal number of similar genes from both mom and dad. Accordingly, a girl can be like both parents with equal probability.