How To Name A Boy According To The Orthodox Calendar

How To Name A Boy According To The Orthodox Calendar
How To Name A Boy According To The Orthodox Calendar

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The name given at birth forms character and affects the fate of a person. In Orthodoxy, it is customary to call babies according to the calendar. So, along with the name, the baby has its own patron and protector, who protects him all his life.

How to name a boy according to the Orthodox calendar
How to name a boy according to the Orthodox calendar


Step 1

Saint Theophan the Recluse said that the name should be chosen according to the calendar: on the day the child was born, or on the day on which he was baptized, or in the intervals between birth and baptism, or on three days after baptism. "Here the matter will be without human considerations," the saint wrote, "but as God wills: for all birthdays are in the hands of God."

Step 2

The Saints or Messeslov is a special church book that lists all Orthodox saints. Each of them has its own day. All names are scheduled by month and day, so finding the right day is easy. It is enough to open the book at the desired month and day when your son was born.

Step 3

Choosing a name according to the calendar, look at the names of all the saints whose day falls on the birthday of your son. For example, your baby was born on January 1st. This is the day of remembrance of Saints Elijah, Timothy, Gregory, Prov and Aris. It is from these names that one should choose.

Step 4

You can choose the name of the saint who patronizes the eighth day from the birth of your baby. The number eight stands for eternity. It was on this day, according to the Orthodox tradition, it was customary to baptize the child and give him a name.

Step 5

If suddenly on the eighth day there is not a single saint's name (which is rare, but it happens), do not despair. Look at the months of the fortieth birthday. The number forty means a sacrament. When the church allowed the baptism of a baby on the fortieth day.

Step 6

Together with the name chosen according to the calendar, your son receives his patron, assistant and protector in whose honor he is named. And the day of remembrance of his saint becomes the name day or the day of the Angel.

Step 7

If the saint, whose name you named the baby, corresponds to several days of memory, then the name day of your son will be the one closest to the birthday, and the rest are considered small name days.
