Poetry classes develop thinking, imagination, memory, teach to express their thoughts competently, clearly and beautifully. In addition, any grandmother will be pleased to receive a postcard for her birthday, which is not only made by the hands of her beloved grandson, but also contains a poem written by him especially for her. An independently invented poem for some holiday can be proudly read at school, and in adulthood, the ability to rhyme lines is useful for the same congratulations, declarations of love, wall newspaper design, etc. … Outstanding poems can only be written by a gifted person, and almost any child can please others with well-chosen rhymed lines, if you want to teach him this.

Step 1
First, we decide what we are writing a poem about. What will it teach, what will it tell? For example, my 10-year-old son Miroslav decided to come up with a funny tale about leaves.
Step 2
We answer the questions: who will be the main characters in it? Who will tell the story from?
In our case, the main characters were known, these are leaves, and he decided to write not on behalf of the leaves, but on behalf of the author - an outside observer.
Step 3
Coming up with an approximate plot of the poem. Miroslav came up with the idea that the leaves went to school, people hang on trees, turn yellow and fall off, and the leaves go past the store where cows sell pigeons in chocolate glaze, marshmallows with chocolate wings fly over them, and when they come to school, the teacher says so that they write in notebooks with chocolate ink.
Step 4
We write the first line.
Step 5
Coming up with some rhymes for the first line.
Step 6
We repeat the first line to the child, insert tra-ta-ta-ta instead of missing words so that the child feels the rhythm of the poem, and the last word of the line.
For example:
Leaves ran to school, (first line)
tra-ta-ta-ta-ta fell (one of the invented rhymes).
And we offer the child to choose the words instead of tra-ta-ta-ta-ta … If it is difficult for a child to do this, we offer him options, the main thing is that it is interesting and pleasant for him to study with you.
Step 7
We remind the child the plot of the poem, together we come up with the 3rd line, then the rhyme to it, then following the algorithm described in paragraph 6, we compose the 4th line and so on.
Step 8
We also come up with the whole poem