You are going on a date, attending a conference, or preparing for an interview with an employer. You want to make a lasting impression and be sure that you look decent, and your appearance speaks of high intelligence. As you know, they are greeted by their clothes, so people evaluate others primarily by their appearance. To look smarter, all you need to do is follow simple tips.

Step 1
Accessories and clothing are the first impression. Wear clear glasses, a neat shirt, and a jacket. Look neat, your hair must be combed, and women’s makeup must be practically absent. All this will give you credibility and professionalism.
Step 2
Body language can tell you who you really are. Therefore, if you want to appear smarter, you must show your high intelligence and confidence through gestures, demeanors and movements. When shaking hands, look directly into the person's eyes, hold the hand firmly and with dignity. Always listen to others carefully, focusing your gaze on the interlocutor, sometimes nod your head as a sign that you understand what they are saying to you.
Step 3
Think like a smart person. Keep only smart thoughts in your head. Therefore, you should not be stupidly entertained, be distracted and reflect on empty things. Intelligent books, literary classics are capable of developing your brain.
Step 4
The understanding of others about your intelligence comes the moment you start talking. Therefore, you should always choose the right words very carefully before opening your mouth. A mistake is a mistake, and a word is not a sparrow. Therefore, if you are not too confident in yourself, formulate your thoughts in advance, write blanks, phrases expressing your opinion on key issues. Remember, stuttering is a sign of uncertainty in your words, so try to express yourself fluently, continuously, evenly. Use words that convey power and conviction. Speak in a low but firm voice. If you know the subject well you are talking about, you will not be nervous.
Step 5
Feel smart. Believe with all your soul that you are literate and talented, your inner thoughts and feelings will begin to radiate your intelligence from the inside, and your person will look many times smarter.
Step 6
Most importantly, in order to look smarter, you must become sincere and honest with your personality. It's hard to fake yourself and pretend to be who you are not. In addition, a truly intelligent person always humbly admits his mistakes and is ready to correct himself. As Socrates said, smart is the one who knows that he does not know anything.