The question of who is smarter: men or women has remained without a definitive answer for many centuries and causes a lot of controversy and misunderstandings.

It is impossible to make unambiguous statements in the question of which of the people is smarter: men or women, since representatives of opposite sexes have different knowledge in various aspects. You can only highlight a few areas in which one or the other shows more ingenuity.
In what ways are men smarter than women?
Nature has ordered that the brain volume of the stronger sex is slightly larger than the brain volume of women. The fact, of course, remains a fact, but the guys do not get crazy from this. The size of the human brain does not in any way affect the ability to reason logically. To make it clearer, you can explain this phenomenon with the following example. The size of the elephant's brain is much larger than the size of the human brain, but the animal does not become more intelligent from this.
Of course, in many situations in life, men are capable of doing smarter things than women, and this is due to their sobriety. The fact is that guys react to various difficulties more cold-bloodedly than girls. They do not have such emotionality, therefore, they logically assess the current situation and situation.
Men are much more smart than women in various math problems. They are better versed in computers and household appliances, solve intellectual problems faster.
In what ways are women smarter than men?
Some women are confident that in their relationship with their significant other, they should take a leadership position. And so it happens. Wise girls act intelligently: they conquer power over their beloved with the help of love, affection and cunning. The representative of the stronger sex only needs to hint at how it would be more correct to act in a given situation, but the choice still needs to be left to him. Smart women never tell their spouses that they have the most developed mental abilities. On the contrary, they will always support their loved one and talk about how they feel protected next to their boyfriend.
Girls have a very high intuition and flair, which always help them in any life difficulties.
It is impossible to say unequivocally which of the people is smarter: women or men. Gender does not affect mental development at all. Everything here is individual and depends only on the person. Both women and men are equal.