Relationships sometimes don't work out the way they want. The woman is unhappy, but does not want to be alone, because the man tied her tightly to him. “It’s her own fault, you have to be smarter,” her friends say. How to build a relationship so that it does not get bored and is strong?

Step 1
Falling in love, some women literally dissolve in a man. They quit their jobs, devote themselves to the family, but after a few years there is no trace of family well-being. If you do not want a similar fate, remember that in any, even the closest relationship, you need to defend your independence.
Step 2
There is nothing shameful in the fact that a woman lives not only by family, but also by her own interests. Sacrificing yourself is not a good tactic. But be prepared for the fact that your loved ones will be somewhat surprised at the changes in you, and maybe even take a defensive position.
Step 3
Do you want to resume your sports activities, but the endless whirlwind of work-housekeeping leaves no time for anything? Think about your schedule in such a way as to free up some free hours. It won't be easy at first. Gently explain to the man that you are tired of everyday life, completely abandoned yourself.
Step 4
Change your image! But not because your loved one hints that your wardrobe lacks sexy outfits. Ask yourself what you want. Have you long dreamed of becoming a fiery redhead? Why not? Head to the nearest beauty salon. Let the stylist tell you what outfits will suit your new head of hair.
Step 5
Think about what is missing in your relationship and, gathering your courage, talk about it with your man. Do not blame yourself for the fact that the love boat is about to break into everyday life, and there is not a trace left of the former tenderness. The main thing is that you are ready to overcome obstacles together with your beloved, and not pretend that they do not exist.
Step 6
Leave the man the right to be himself, do not try to constantly control him, fearing that he will leave you. If you're feeling jealous, be open about it. Do not spy by humiliating him with distrust.
Step 7
Contrary to popular belief, being smarter in a relationship doesn't mean being cunning, pretending, or hiding your feelings. Be open, love, but be yourself. Then no adversity will darken your happy union.