How To Determine The Character Of A Child By Drawing

How To Determine The Character Of A Child By Drawing
How To Determine The Character Of A Child By Drawing

Children's drawing, psychologists say, is not just kalyak-malyak and a mixture of colors. This is a real psychological portrait of a baby. Indeed, according to the drawing - its theme, the colors used, the intensity of pressure on the carnadash or felt-tip pen - you can learn a lot about the thoughts and thoughts of a child. In addition, it is easy to make up definitions of the character of this or that child from children's pictures.

How to determine the character of a child by drawing
How to determine the character of a child by drawing

Children's drawings are a real book for a professional. A psychologist can figure out what worries even the most reserved and silent child. The main thing is to take a closer look and determine all the details.

It should be understood that drawings by children over the age of 5 are suitable for the study. This is due to the fact that the drawings of very little kids are made schematically, and the fingers of the kids are still rather poorly developed. Drawings of children under the age of 5 can only be analyzed according to the colors chosen by the child. So, for example, if a kid draws in black, it means that he has increased aggression. An excess of red indicates activity, brown indicates ill health.

To get an idea of the character of a child from a drawing, you need to take at least 5-6 copies of different paintings, which, moreover, were made at different times. If you do not have enough pictures to explore, ask your child to draw a picture when he is in a good mood.

If a child chooses only a simple pencil for drawing and completely ignores any colors, this indicates that the child does not have a high enough level of development. True, it should not be confused with the situation when the child simply does not want to paint with flowers at this very moment. The use of standard colors and patterns indicates that the child is developing normally, everything is according to age. Non-standard designs and surreal color mixing indicate that you have a creative nature in front of you.

By the color of the pencils, you can also determine the different character traits characteristic of the baby. So, if the child's favorite color is yellow, this means that he is a rather spiritual person, developed and moral, dreamers, dreamers and storytellers. People who prefer yellow, liberated, original, dissenting, etc. Therefore, they can often have problems with people of the patriarchal lifestyle.

Children who choose purple are sensitive, highly suggestible, excitable. They need parental support and approval. But children who choose red, close in color, are open and active, lively and restless. They are often called disobedient.

The color blue is chosen by serious and strong-willed children who are distinguished by pedantry, attentiveness and control. They are vain and proud. Green betrays a conservative personality in a child, afraid of change.

Children who love orange color, excitable, funny rascals. Traditionally, a dark brown color indicates the presence of discomfort in the baby's shower. Such children are distinguished by poor health, react sharply to family troubles, and often become members of asocial groups in adolescence.

Black color symbolizes that the child has matured too quickly and is in constant stress.
