How To Determine The Character By The Manner Of Smoking

How To Determine The Character By The Manner Of Smoking
How To Determine The Character By The Manner Of Smoking

Sometimes mere trifles are capable of giving information about a person's character. For example, the smoking habits of people susceptible to this bad habit. Pay attention to how exactly your interlocutor lights a cigarette, where he blows the smoke and how he shakes off the ash, and you will learn a lot of interesting things.

How to determine the character by the manner of smoking
How to determine the character by the manner of smoking

Is there a pack of cigarettes in my pocket

You can judge the character of a smoker already at the stage when he is looking for a pack of cigarettes and matches or a lighter. If the necessary items are found the first time, we can conclude that their owner is a reliable and confident person. He prefers an orderly life. If your interlocutor rummages through all the pockets in search of a cigarette and in the process finds out that he left the lighter at home, of course, this indicates absent-mindedness and a tendency to superficiality.

If your interlocutor uses matches, pay attention to exactly how he does it. In the case when a person makes a movement with a match in the direction away from himself, it can be assumed that he is an extrovert. Otherwise, when the match is directed towards the smoker himself, this indicates his introversion.

Smoke direction

By the direction of the smoke, one can judge the current mood of a person. If a smoker blows smoke upwards, he is in good spirits. Perhaps he feels a bit of complacency and at the moment considers himself in something better than those around him. But people who smoke, directing a stream of smoke down, are obviously upset about something and are absorbed in pessimistic thoughts. If a person tries to do tricks, for example, blows out smoke rings, this may indicate that he feels uncomfortable and would like to make the conversation less formal. Smoke is usually exhaled through the nostrils by arrogant people.

Shaking off the ashes

Another action worth considering is shaking off the ash. The more often a person does this, the less confident he feels. If your interlocutor forgets about his cigarette, he is passionate about the conversation and he is comfortable. A person who constantly reaches for an ashtray, even when it could be done without it, gets nervous and tries to occupy himself with something in order to calm down.

Keep it up

Take a look at exactly how the smoker holds the cigarette. If it is located far from the palm, you have an empathetic and delicate person. Your interlocutor squeezed a cigarette between his thumb and forefinger so that the light was protected by his palm - in life he also feels the need to protect those who are next to him. In the case when the cigarette is held with the same fingers, but directed outward, the person is likely to be active and honest, with a firm attitude in life and a craving for everything new.
