Even women who are far from ideal have a chance to win a man they like. Each has drawbacks, but wisdom, cunning and the ability to present oneself will help hide some shortcomings and emphasize dignity.

It is generally accepted that the initiator of the beginning of a relationship should be a man. Often, women take this rule too seriously and refuse to take any action, even if they have strong feelings. It is especially difficult for ladies with a not quite ideal appearance or a difficult character. This becomes the reason for the development of complexes. To conquer a man, you do not need to be perfect in everything. It is only necessary to show female wisdom and follow the advice of psychologists.
Smile more often
The smile is a powerful weapon in the art of seduction. She serves as a kind of message and makes a man understand that a woman likes him. This flatters his pride. If there is a desire to conquer and charm a closed and unapproachable person, it is difficult to do without a smile. Many men demonstrate fairly free behavior, but at heart they can be modest, indecisive. Most of the stronger sex are afraid to hear a refusal. A woman's smile liberates, attracts and adjusts to the desired mood.

Admire a man
Men love to be praised or even admired. Women who want to build a personal life should take note of this. Psychologists assure that not an ideal representative of the fair sex, who is fluent in the art of praise, has much more chances to win a man than a cold and unapproachable beauty, who is only interested in herself. However, the admiration expressed must be sincere. Every man has a set of qualities worthy of praise, so it makes no sense to invent something and lie.
Be attentive
If a woman wants to please, she should be more attentive to the chosen one. You need to learn to listen to him, be sincerely interested in his affairs, hobbies. It is not at all necessary to demonstrate your own knowledge in an area that is of interest to a man. It is enough to show genuine interest and give him the opportunity to talk about his hobbies and work. This allows the man to feel his own worth.

Work on the look
To conquer a man, you do not need to have an ideal appearance, but confidence in yourself, in your attractiveness is important. To love yourself, do not forget about body care, face care, about little female joys in the form of a trip to a beauty salon, a gym, or a massage parlor. When working on the appearance, you need to focus on the final goal. If a man is needed for an easy and non-binding relationship, you can afford very revealing outfits and bright makeup. When a woman has more serious plans, she should dress and paint more discreetly, but at the same time effectively.
With the help of well-chosen clothes and skillfully applied makeup, you can hide flaws and emphasize advantages. This will make the woman feel more confident. Representatives of the stronger sex are attracted by such energy. A well-groomed and well-dressed woman makes a strong impression on men. A bright appearance serves as a signal that she has a need to build relationships, love and be loved.
Demonstrate your best qualities
If you want to conquer a man, at the initial stage you should give up bad habits and demonstrate only your best qualities. It is not about the desire to deceive the chosen one, but about working on oneself. By abandoning some familiar things, an imperfect woman has a chance to change herself for the better.
Seeking the attention of a man, you should not be jealous of him, show a bad character, reproach, be overly impressionable and whiny, irritable, domineering. Women who have difficulty building relationships are often aware of their problems. You need to be able to admit your own mistakes and not do what men do not like, repulses them.

Try psychological games
If a woman is not bright enough, attractive and the man does not pay any attention to her, you can try to play psychological games with him, flirt. Demonstration of genuine interest, praise does not always work. Many men do not dare to invite on a date or perceive such a pleasant woman as a friend, with whom it is good and interesting, and over time they completely get used to such communication. To force your chosen one to reconsider your attitude towards yourself, you need to take a break and step aside, not call, not show up in his eyes, or even start avoiding him. In this situation, the man will be interested in what was the reason for such changes. He will begin to be active and will reconsider his attitude towards the one with whom he was so pleased to spend his free time.