Unfortunately, some people manipulate others and use them for their own purposes. If you also fell under the influence of a dishonest individual, you need to urgently change the situation.

Step 1
Take the first step to getting rid of the manipulator: be aware that you are being used. Consider if you are always comfortable with this person. Do you feel that you are doing something against your own will, just to please this individual? If it happens that after a conversation with a person, you always sharply change your opinion to the opposite, perhaps he deliberately affects your consciousness. Once you realize that you are dancing to someone else's tune, it will be easier for you to free yourself from oppression.
Step 2
Evaluate your relationship with the person you suspect of being manipulative. Consider whether you are equally investing in each other. Sometimes in a couple, between friends, colleagues or just good acquaintances, a situation arises when one person only takes and demands, but does not give anything. Maybe this happens subconsciously, but in fact he uses another individual to satisfy his own needs. If such a parasitic element is in your environment, you shouldn't let it get away with it.
Step 3
Understand that it is no coincidence that you have become a victim. Manipulators tend to target gullible, naive people and those with self-esteem problems. The opinion, thinking, actions of such individuals are easy to control. Therefore, if you are used, it is your fault too. Perhaps you are not confident enough in yourself, are afraid to defend your own interests, do not have a share of healthy selfishness, take someone else's opinion too seriously and do not appreciate your own point of view. Think about what your weakness is, and work on yourself to close this gap.
Step 4
When you already realized that you are being used, it remains only to find the strength in yourself and to repulse the manipulator. The main thing is to be calm and confident. Listen to the hidden direction of the individual and say that you will think about his words at your leisure. Or start to clarify why he has such a point of view on this issue, where he got this data from. You can also simply avoid or severely restrict communication with the manipulator.
Step 5
If you are used by a loved one, just stop dragging everything on yourself. Don't give the individual what he wants against his own. Stop being irreplaceable. Do not worry too much about the manipulator and solve all his problems. Let him see the consequences of his actions, and realize the full responsibility for his own life.