How To Make A Tree Of Life

How To Make A Tree Of Life
How To Make A Tree Of Life

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Since ancient times, it has been believed that drawing up a family tree is the lot of aristocrats and nobility. Today it is customary to hang a tree of its kind in the most prominent and honorable place in the house. And it doesn't matter at all who your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers were: dukes and duchesses or ordinary workers and peasants. If you decide to draw up a tree of some kind, then be prepared for informative adventures and discoveries, perhaps not always pleasant, but exciting.

How to make a tree of life
How to make a tree of life


Step 1

Talk to all of your older family members first. Ask them what they remember about their childhood and parents. It will not be enough for you to know only the names of your relatives. Find out their biography, field of activity, personal life, place in a social society. All the information you have said must be outlined in a notebook so as not to forget anything.

Step 2

It may happen that your older relatives are no longer in this world, or they cannot tell you the information you need. Then the regional archive can come to your aid. Start your archival search in the opposite direction from your family's last place of residence: from grandparents to great-grandfather and great-grandmother. This will allow you to find out a lot of useful and reliable information about your family.

Step 3

The last step is the compilation and graphic representation of the tree of life itself. There are two options for compiling it: an ascending pedigree, where the trunk symbolizes you, and the branches symbolize your parents and great-grandfathers, and descending, where the founders of your family are in the trunk of the tree, and the topmost branches are you. Any of these options gives free rein to your imagination and imagination. Traditionally, it is customary to decorate the tree with various symbols, drawings and the coat of arms of the family. It is also customary to highlight photographs with family members: women - to circle with a red oval, and men - with a blue rhombus.
