In order for a man to be popular with the opposite sex, it is necessary to understand the psychology of female thinking, realizing that the female mindset is fundamentally different from the male train of thought. Thus, knowing the motives of a woman's actions, it will become easier for a man to understand her, and as a result, he will increase his chances of success in intimate terms as well.

Step 1
A woman maintains judgment and a "cold" head before having sex with a man. While it is after sex that a man begins to assess what is happening more soberly, and in some cases even loses interest in a woman. Thus, the young man needs to help the girl get rid of the opinion that she is interesting to him as an intimate partner.
Step 2
In most cases, a woman is ready to give herself and her affection, as well as enter into an intimate relationship with a man with whom she is in love. She desires such a man with all her heart, and therefore it is easier to agree to sex. In turn, a man is not principled about having sex with a woman he is not in love with. It is no secret that many men have sex with women, feeling only mild sympathy or sports interest for them.
Step 3
Therefore, in some cases, in order to have sex with a stranger, a young man needs to charm and fall in love with her. It is believed that the female sex is dominated by the right hemisphere, therefore she is more emotional, subject to momentary emotions, spontaneous decisions. And this means that beautiful deeds, words and other courtship can help a man to like a woman.
Step 4
Also, the knowledge of a young man about what qualities a woman dreams of seeing in a man will help him to more actively demonstrate them, thus winning her favor. In the matter of sex, the appearance of a man in the eyes of a woman also plays a significant role. Therefore, you should try to look attractive, have a normal physique, dress neatly, use hygiene products and perfume.
Step 5
The beautiful half of humanity, before entering into an intimate relationship with a man, must be sure that his intentions towards her are serious. Therefore, in dealing with a woman, it is men's actions that play an important role. It is necessary to demonstrate care and tenderness towards a woman, be interested in her affairs, mood, that is, to strengthen her confidence that she is interesting to a man not as a one-time sexual partner, but as a woman in general.
Step 6
Often, girls dramatize situations that seem empty and not worthy of attention to a young man. However, one should learn to listen to a woman, understand her, support her.
Step 7
By guessing some of the girl's desires, a man increases his chances of success in a sexual matter. For example, if a girl is thinking about watching a certain movie in the cinema, the young man can please her with tickets to it.
Step 8
You should make the girl smile more often, be interesting to her. In solving such a problem, the openness of a man, conversations on common topics, the search for common interests, as well as a pleasant pastime in a cafe, park, museum, club will help. Thus, adhering to the described recommendations, a man will be able to win the heart of a woman and, as a result, it will be easier for him to solve the problem of how to have sex with her.