Friendship is the most important social relationship of a person. Friends cannot be replaced by parents or a loved one. However, sometimes you have to look for new friends - when you move to a new place or comrades leave you for personal reasons.

Virtual Friendship Becomes Real
Despite the fact that many scold forums and social networks, they are very conducive to making new friends. If you have moved to a new city, look on social networks for a group where people from this city meet. Moreover, dating is not necessarily aimed at a romantic relationship. Often, such groups gather people who have also recently arrived from other places and are looking for a company. The good thing about online dating is that you can first get to know the person and then decide if communicating with them is right for you. And if you don't want to meet someone, you can always block this user. Internet friendship can turn into real one, one has only to make an appointment in some interesting place.
When meeting people, be positive and upbeat. You shouldn't tell them about your problems and troubles right away.
Dating at work
A new job is a reason to make new friends. A company is always beneficial if its employees are close-knit and communicate even after hours. Often, managers take additional steps in team building, arranging corporate events, joint field trips, sports tournaments. If your boss is not concerned with this, take the initiative yourself. Offer to go for a walk with the whole company, sit in a cafe, or go on a short trip.
Fitness - a new figure and new friends
Many find friends in fitness clubs and dance schools. Here you will be surrounded by like-minded people who, just like you, strive for sporting success and new achievements. Together you can discuss new principles of training, go to master classes with eminent instructors, attend sports and dance events. Plus, exercise boosts self-esteem and promotes friendliness and sociability.
If you do not like sports, sign up for hobby courses - there you will also meet like-minded people.
Neighbors - friends are very close
Previously, neighborly relations were akin to friendship - you could easily go to neighbors for a cup of tea, they were always invited to family holidays. Now people have become more closed. But nothing prevents you from getting to know your neighbors if you have recently changed your home. The most daring can just buy a cake and sweets and come to the neighbors for a welcome visit. If you are outgoing and friendly, you are unlikely to be treated negatively. You can start getting to know your neighbors gradually - first, just say hello, then ask about life and business, then you can briefly tell about yourself and invite them over. If you have a dog, then you may well converge with the "dog lovers" in your yard. A small child will help you get to know the young parents of the surrounding houses.