In a relationship, sooner or later the moment comes when you need to get to know the guy's parents. Sometimes this happens by accident, for example, when you leave his apartment and bump into your parents. However, if a formal acquaintance is scheduled, prepare in advance.

First, ask your boyfriend for the name and patronymic of his parents. Write it down and memorize, because when he introduces you, you may be so worried that you will not hear, and it will be embarrassing to ask again.
Call them by name and patronymic until the parents themselves offer to apply by name.
Think about your outfit, hairstyle and makeup. Meeting your parents is a serious event that you should dress nicely but modestly for. There should be no defiant heels, miniskirts and revealing tops. Makeup should be modest, barely noticeable. It is advisable to wear a mid-length skirt or dress to emphasize your femininity.
Prepare small gifts for his parents, especially if you will meet at their home. You can take a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates, a tea cake, or flowers for mom. Believe me, parents will be happy to receive a small gift in honor of their acquaintance.
In order not to miscalculate with the gift - ask the guy about the preferences of the parents.
What to talk about
It will be better if the man says in advance which topics can be discussed and which are not. If there is an awkward pause in the conversation, you can talk about things that are interesting to his parents.
During the conversation, be yourself and do not try to lie. Then you have to communicate with these people, and if they see a discrepancy, the impression will be ruined. No need to brag or list your merit. It will be enough to answer the questions of parents and insert your achievements into place.
Do not use slang or jargon in front of your parents.
Be more interested in his family and past. You can find out what kind of guy he was as a child, see his photos, ask about interesting moments in his life. Parents love to talk about their children, especially mom will be delighted with such a conversation.
Don't get involved in an argument. If you disagree with your parents' opinion about something, don't interrupt or start proving otherwise. Listen and offer a different point of view. Your task is not to prove to them that you are right, but to make a pleasant impression.
During the meeting
Be punctual. Do not be late at all, it is better to arrive early and wait for the appointed time on the spot. This will show your respect, because keeping you waiting is not too polite.
Don't stay too long, but don't leave prematurely. Dating too long can tire you out and ruin the impression you make. Before you leave, tell me how nice it was to meet you and thank you for a wonderful dinner.
If the meeting is at the parents' home, offer cleaning assistance after dinner. This will show that you are a good hostess. Believe me, his mom will be happy. You can help carry the plates to the kitchen, but you should only wash the dishes with the permission of the owners.