Child's Departure Into Adulthood

Child's Departure Into Adulthood
Child's Departure Into Adulthood

A crisis in any family begins when children grow up and, ultimately, leave the "parental nest."

Child's departure into adulthood
Child's departure into adulthood

A married couple is going through a difficult time, but gradually gets used to this rhythm of life and enters a new stage of the relationship. They successfully resolve conflicts, give children freedom in choosing partners and their careers, while they themselves take on the role of grandparents.

If the parent alone raised the child, then the child's departure from the family will be accepted as the beginning of old age, in order to survive this loss, you will have to find new worries, interests, in order to overcome the fear of loneliness, to be distracted.

It depends on the severity of the loss, and also sometimes on the help of the therapist or psychologist at the right time, whether the parents will endure it as a normal part of life's journey or as a severe test. At this time, the main difficulty may be that parents do not have common themes, do not find words for each other. Quarrels arise over issues that faded into the background when the baby was born. The main thing is to come to a compromise in time, so that after a relatively long marriage, the relationship does not end in divorce.

Another problem that parents face is the moment when their child starts his own family and directs his care, attention only within it. At this time, it is worth not overloading the young spouses with advice and giving them the opportunity to independently arrange their personal lives.

If adolescents break ties with relatives, then they create difficulties for parents to leave the passed stage of life, and their children are deprived of the opportunity to have grandparents. Do not forget that all generations are connected with each other, and we begin to realize this only when we see the disintegration of families in the fleeting modern world.
