For many people, the understanding of happiness is inseparable from such concepts as family, children, and a loved one. Sometimes people have been looking for their soul mate for many years, but they just can't find it. How to find a person who can give you happiness?

Step 1
Ask yourself the question: what do you want to get from your loved one? The answer to this question is very important, as it can say a lot about you. And he is not at all what he is often presented, starting to list the qualities of his soul mate. The important thing here is not what he can give you, but what you want to give him. Your love, tenderness, affection, care …
Step 2
The need to love is embedded in the human soul. A person who has lived his life and did not know what true love is, lived in vain. They love not for something - not for beautiful eyes or a slender figure, not for a bank account or a pleasant character. Love arises at the level of the merging of two souls. This is the secret of finding your soul mate. Do not look for a loved one according to your ideas about what he should be, this is the wrong way. Look for the Soul, everything else will follow.
Step 3
How to find your betrothed or betrothed in practice? A person close to you is in many ways similar to you, otherwise there simply will not be an affinity of souls. This does not mean that he shares all your hobbies - he looks like you precisely on the level of spiritual qualities. For example, if you are an honest person, then it will be very difficult for you, almost impossible to fall in love with a fraudster. Conversely, a fraudster and a fraudster will immediately feel sympathy for each other - because they are the same.
Step 4
Based on the logic of the previous point, you need to look for a loved one where you can really meet him. You can go to the library or to a rock concert (one is no better or worse than the other) - wherever your interests attract you. It is there that you have real chances to meet someone close to you. But it is foolish to look for it in an environment that is absolutely alien to you.
Step 5
The Internet gives very good opportunities to meet your soul mate. Reading the profiles of people on dating sites, you will be able to draw quite definite conclusions about a person from the questionnaire. Further virtual communication will help to confirm or deny them.
Step 6
Believers in their search for their only person should rely on the help of God. This path can be called the best - it brought happiness to many people. Everything is very reminiscent of a miracle (or maybe it is) - a person sincerely asks God, the Mother of God for help in organizing his personal life, and after a very short time he finds his happiness. At the same time, it may later turn out that both - he and she - asked God and the Mother of God about the same thing.
Step 7
Speaking about how to find a loved one, you should also mention how you don't need to look for him. Never look for it for financial reasons - you will never be happy. Men, especially wealthy ones, should not necessarily look for beauties - the chances of personal happiness are very low here. Do not think about prestige, about what they think about your chosen one or chosen one - all this is empty and superficial. Happiness can only be found with a loved one, and love is not bought or sold.