Is It Worth Communicating With Your Ex-husband

Is It Worth Communicating With Your Ex-husband
Is It Worth Communicating With Your Ex-husband

When you love, it seems that with this person you will live side by side to a ripe old age. But, unfortunately, not all dreams are destined to come true. People break up, and the once beloved husband becomes an ex. But whether he will be a stranger, a stranger or remain a friend depends on many reasons.

Is it worth communicating with your ex-husband
Is it worth communicating with your ex-husband

Whether to continue communication with her ex-husband or to completely erase him from life - each woman must decide this issue independently. First of all, it depends on what feelings this person causes in her. They are very subjective, it is sometimes difficult to explain them to others, and is it necessary? In the end, only the husband and wife can decide family matters, even if they are separated.

And yet, you can trace several typical situations in which it is worth continuing to communicate with the ex-spouse, or, on the contrary, not to do it in any case.

When to continue the conversation

The first and most compelling reason to continue communicating with your ex-husband is common children. For a child, both parents are valuable, he needs both dad and mom. And parents should equally educate him, be responsible for his life, health and development, regardless of whether they live together or separately.

Even if, after the divorce, the spouses feel that they have become completely outsiders, they will have to jointly resolve issues related to the upbringing, education, and financial support of the child. And if they learn to do it calmly, in a businesslike way, without quarrels and scandals, they will win, and, most importantly, their children.

It also happens that people break up, but continue to be friends. Yes, the family did not work out, and there can be any number of reasons for this. But the attitude of the ex-husband and wife towards each other remains generally positive. Why not then continue communication, no longer as spouses, but as friends or good acquaintances? After all, the years lived together brought two people closer, why break this connection to the end?

When to stop communicating

And yet, often, when divorcing, spouses do not want to have anything to do with each other anymore. This happens most often in the following three situations.

If a man left his family, and a woman continues to love him and suffers from this, then it is probably better not to torture yourself and stop communicating, at least for a while. You should not reopen a fresh wound and live with memories and regrets. The less in a new life a woman has reasons to remember the tragedy she has experienced, the easier it will be for her to regain her strength and live on.

If the resentment, anger at the ex-husband is strong, communication should also be minimized, at least for the period until the passions subside. Perhaps, having calmed down, the spouses will be able to more constructively solve property, financial and other issues related to divorce. Even if there is a trial ahead, it is better if it takes place in a calm business atmosphere.

And the most important reason to end any relationship with your ex-husband is if he has done something that in the mind of a woman is incompatible with the image of a person. And even if others think that this act can be forgiven, the behavior of a spouse can be justified. If a woman cannot do this internally, further communication with her ex-husband becomes impossible and even dangerous for her. It can disrupt her peace of mind, and in some cases it can actually pose a threat to the life and well-being of her and her children.
