Unfortunately, the relationship between a man and a woman does not always develop as harmoniously and favorably as we would like. Having put an end to the relationship, both partners usually have a hard time going through this moment. Maybe for some this is a relief, but in most cases, the breakup is accompanied by suffering and mental anguish. How to start life from scratch? How to behave after separation?

Step 1
Sometimes it can be difficult to immediately switch to new acquaintances and relationships. After all, so much pain and bitterness has accumulated in the soul that it must be thrown out, otherwise it threatens with deep depression. Talk to friends, girlfriends, relatives. You need to speak out, and only close people will understand you best. If you don't want to share your problems with others, spend a couple of days alone, cry if you feel like it. You shouldn't keep everything to yourself. So you will only harm your health. An outburst of emotions will help to take the first step out of the crisis.
Step 2
After such a psychological release, you should get out of the house somewhere. Go shopping, take a walk in the city or go with friends to a cafe, movie or entertainment club. Try to distract yourself, relax, do not immerse yourself in sad thoughts and experiences. Take a few days off and come up with some entertainment: dance, play, paint, sing, write …
Step 3
Gifts or things belonging to an ex-boyfriend (girlfriend) can remind you of the past. Hide or completely destroy photographs, objects that remind you of past relationships. Take care of home improvement, get yourself a pet, give him all your attention and affection.
Step 4
Do not under any circumstances seek meetings with your ex, do not call or write to him (her). Remove your ex-boyfriend / girlfriend's phone number and email address from your notebook or cell phone. If you have mutual friends, you should avoid joint activities. Excessive meetings will only evoke negative memories and disturb unhealed wounds.
Step 5
You should not lock yourself at home and dwell on your experiences. "Open" yourself to the world. Go out to public places more often, attend parties, try to make new acquaintances. Agree to dates, meetings with friends.
Step 6
Go in for sports, try to experience something new for yourself. The world is full of opportunities and extraordinary places. Take advantage of this.
Step 7
See a psychologist. He will save you from nonsense and help you see the world in bright colors again.