A successful date may not always mean that your future relationship will be perfect. It's important to follow a few more steps to help pave the way for your soulmate's heart.

Step 1
Chat with your new soul mate on the phone the day after your date. It is important that after the meeting you do not forget each other and do not abandon communication. Hearing your voice on the phone, the person close to you will certainly be delighted and immediately remember your date together. Ask how he feels, what are his plans for today, etc.
Step 2
There is an opinion that a guy should call a girl only a few days after a date, because it is easier to determine how much she liked him, whether she was bored while waiting for his call. Be careful with this rule, because if your date was not very successful, there is a high risk that the girl will become very cold towards you during this time.
Step 3
Towards the next weekend, ask your boyfriend or girlfriend what he or she is going to do this weekend. Invite your significant other out on a new date by agreeing on a time and place to meet. It is better to choose a new establishment where you will host the meeting. Be creative and try to come up with an unusual entertainment program to further strengthen the relationship.
Step 4
Do not voice your resentments or complaints about the first date. If you are unhappy with the appearance of your companion or companion, do not jump to conclusions. Feelings for a person arise more often for the actions that he performs. Therefore, it is better to give your new soul mate another chance to prove themselves.
Step 5
Do not rush to text in messages and speak on the phone words of love immediately after the first date. Also, don't blow kisses if you haven't kissed yet. Finally, take your time to call your girlfriend or boyfriend your significant other, as it's too early to draw such conclusions. This can scare the person away.