When a spouse gets divorced, it is always a shock for the children. How can you explain to a child that he only has to live with mom or dad? After a divorce, the baby has many questions that he cannot answer on his own.

Step 1
Most often, when the parents break up, the child stays with the mother. The first reaction of a woman after a divorce is understandable. She under no circumstances wants to see her ex, even if he comes to visit his children, spend a day off with them. Rarely is a mother ready for the sake of the child to forget the insult and continue to communicate with her ex-husband. The kid does not understand such a reaction of a loved one. He continues to love dad and mom and is not ready to give up either of the parents.
Step 2
In this case, mom should not refuse to communicate with relatives and interfere with their meetings. In addition, you need to refrain from negative statements. It is important to remember that the former spouse is primarily the father of the child, and he must take a direct part in his upbringing. This attitude will slightly mitigate the consequences of divorce.
Step 3
It is extremely important for single mothers not to leave conversations about dad, this will allow the child to feel the presence of both parents in his life.
Step 4
Children who have become unwitting witnesses to a divorce often feel guilty that the family has broken up. To prevent this from happening, it is important to explain to your baby that the parents broke up with each other, but not with him.
Step 5
To save your child from the stress of divorce, it is sometimes enough to say that the dad will be living elsewhere. If the mother's voice sounds natural, the baby is likely to perceive the information adequately.
Step 6
Sometimes there are situations when the communication between the father and the child after the divorce stops. In this case, the mother may tell a lie to her son or daughter about where the father is. But the consequences of such behavior are unpredictable. With the onset of adolescence, the child will want to meet with his parent, visit him or write a letter. In this situation, the truth can be revealed, and the mother will lose the trust of her grown-up child for a long time.
Step 7
Usually, children from single-parent families do not receive full-fledged communication with parents of the opposite sex. In this case, the girl can grow up with a bunch of problems and complexes. She may have problems communicating with boys. It is even more difficult for boys to socialize without a father's involvement in their upbringing. In the future, they may have problems communicating with the weaker sex.
Step 8
Not a single family is immune from divorce. For the child, this can become a serious trauma, which can subsequently lead to deep depression. To prevent this from happening, parents need to create a favorable emotional climate in the family, take care of their child. You can't hide the truth from the kid. Your best bet is to take the time to talk to him frankly about the problem.
Step 9
Over time, the child adapts to new conditions. The main thing is that in a difficult period of life there were people with him who love him, understand and will always help to get out of a difficult life situation.