Currently, the number of divorces in Russia is almost equal to the number of weddings. Often, after parting, spouses have to share not only jointly acquired property, but also children. Most often, by law, they remain with their mother. How can a woman and a child continue to live after a divorce?

It's not that bad
There are situations that can be classified as ideal, when the spouses disperse amicably, without any special claims and insults to each other. It is much easier for a woman to live in such a situation, because, as a rule, a man provides her with support, including material support, and spends enough time with their common child.
Thus, their child knows that he still has a mom and dad, they just live separately.
Of course, starting life anew after a divorce even in such comfortable conditions is not so easy, but it will have to be done. Don't be discouraged and depressed. Many during this period go headlong into work, spend a lot of time in the gym and do everything possible to find themselves again, and the small child is left in the care of grandmothers, nannies, aunts, and so on. Over time, the situation will normalize, you just need to be patient.
Difficulties have a place to be
Sometimes not everything goes as smoothly as we would like. In fact, a woman is left with a child in her arms completely alone, without any support and help.
Then you have to act immediately - to plan the family budget in a new way. Still, the child needs to be fed, clothed and given everything he needs. In this case, the most difficult thing is to find a balance between free time and work. Some devote themselves entirely to professional activities and simply do not notice what is happening around them. Let them fully provide financially for themselves and their child, but this is not enough.
The child needs attention. And often parents try to compensate for his lack by expensive gifts, sweets, travel and other pleasant trifles.
If the child does not maintain contact with the father at all, there is no need to tell him what a bad person his dad is. So in the head of a son or daughter, a negative image will be created not only of his parent, but of all men in general. If a woman is raising her son alone, it is best to enroll him in the sports section, where the child would have a male mentor. Sometimes an uncle or grandfather can play the role of a "strong hand".
The girl, too, does not need to tell stories from the category that "all men are good …", otherwise she will think that all men are just like that, and is unlikely to find family happiness in the future.
In addition, there is no need to give up on yourself: do not stop taking care of yourself, try to look good. One unsuccessful marriage is not yet a tragedy, but just a life experience. Perhaps fate will give you a second chance to build a strong family, and the children, thanks to this, will have a “new dad”.