Where is the line between fiction and deception? What is the reason for children's lies? Maybe it's that the child wants to seem better than he is. Or fear pushes him to do so. Or maybe your child is just imitating adults.

A child of 4-5 years old comes home from kindergarten and tells an incredible story that they were fed only sweets for lunch. He is very serious and offended if you do not believe him. He is sure that he is telling the truth. This is not a deception, but a fantasy that the baby takes for reality. And no matter how often he tells incredible stories, adults immediately distinguish truth from fiction. And do not scold the little dreamer, suddenly a great storyteller will grow out of him. In school years, lying in children takes on a completely different quality. At this age, fiction and reality are no longer confused. They cheat in order to achieve something. The sly man understands that his offense will necessarily be punished and tries to deceive, in order to protect himself: “I did not break the window,” “I don’t know who did it.” Or even worse, he tries to shift the blame onto someone else: "Petya tore the book." What will happen to Petya and why he should be responsible for someone else's offense, the liar does not care. The child communicates a lot with other children and cheats in order to improve his social status. He invents and passes off as reality what he thinks will elevate him above others: "I will soon buy a new bike", "My computer is better than yours", "My dad is the richest." Children cheat to avoid unwanted work: “I have to do my homework - I won't go for bread,” “I can't go to school - my head hurts.” Of course, sooner or later the deception will be revealed. And this is where parents need to show as much tact as possible. Do not scold the child for lying, try to be very careful to find out why he went to the deception. Explain why he is wrong. And think about whether you are punishing your child too harshly, why is he afraid of you? After reaching adolescence, children begin to lie in order to get away from parental care. Excessive control, violation of the boundaries of personal space force the teenager to resort to deception. It is very dangerous. A child can get into an unpleasant story, start taking drugs, commit a crime. Parents must understand that the child has grown up and needs a certain degree of freedom. This will help maintain trust between you and your child, he will not lie to you, and you will be able to control the situation. And the main thing to remember is that the child is copying the behavior of his parents. If your family has good trusting relationships, the child will lie only "for the good." For example, he will never say that he does not like the gift, but will smile and thank.