When adults become parents, they decide for themselves the type of their relationship with the child. This article is for those who are against an authoritarian parenting style, who want to be a close friend to their son or daughter first of all.

1. First and foremost: never hit your child! At no age! Many parents take a slap on the buttocks for granted - they say, they beat me in childhood, and I will! Keep in mind: the child will remember the assault for the rest of his life, and you can forget about the warmth and trust of the relationship forever. Remember, instead of corporal punishment, you have plenty of other educational measures at your disposal!
2. Learn to listen to your baby. Baby babbling seems at times meaningless, but it is at this stage that the style of your communication with the child is laid. As he grows up, he will always strive to talk with you, tell about his joys and sorrows, because he will be absolutely sure that he will be listened to with sincere interest and empathy, that all this is as important to you as it is to him.
3. Be prepared to talk to your child about any topic. Absolutely any! If a child asks you very intimate questions, then you have achieved the main thing: he treats you like a close friend who can be trusted with the most intimate. It is not necessary to reveal to the child all the details of the question that interests him, you can always think in advance - what to answer this or that "tricky" question and formulate your answer very vaguely. The main thing is not to tell the child "You are still small to discuss this" or "Aren't you ashamed to ask this!" He simply will no longer turn to you with a similar question, and you will lose his friendly disposition forever.
4. The interests of each next generation differ from the interests of the previous one. It may seem to you that the child is reading the wrong books, listening to the wrong music, watching the wrong films, not to mention hanging in the computer … But this does not mean that your child's interests are bad, they are different! Try to respect what your son or daughter is fond of, and, if possible, to penetrate and love. In this case, you will have many more topics for interesting and friendly communication with your child.
5. Often remember the "nonsense" that you yourself did in childhood and adolescence. Running in the cold without a hat, reading long past midnight and barely getting up to school in the morning, smoking with friends on the sidelines - forbidden fruits were always sweet! Do not scold your child for such misconduct, it is better to talk and explain - what such behavior is fraught with, but without the "old man's" grumbling, from the position of "senior friend".
6. Be honest with your child - always, even when he is still very young and seemingly does not understand anything. You can often hear an angry mother say to a pampering baby: “Now I’ll give you to that uncle over there” or “Now I’ll call a policeman,” and so on. etc. For a while, the child calms down. Two or three times this technique works, and then the baby begins to understand: no matter what he has done, he will not be given to any uncle and the policeman will not be called, which means that mom is lying! And since she is lying, then he can do the same … This is the beginning of insincerity in a relationship, which in the future can completely kill all trust.
7. It would not hurt each parent to maintain good physical and aesthetic shape, to look "presentable" in the eyes of their child. What could be more beautiful when a son or daughter says: "Mommy, you are so beautiful with me!"