On the eve of the New Year and Christmas, many parents are not only tormented by the question of what to buy for their child as a gift from Santa Claus, but also where to put the cherished present so that the child finds it under the Christmas tree at the right time.

Secret places of the apartment
This issue becomes especially acute in the conditions of small-sized apartments, where every corner is known to the child. However, it is not so difficult to hide a gift - it is enough to put it almost in a conspicuous place, as the child will not notice it. After all, children do not look in obvious places, assuming that their parents have hidden a souvenir in the bowels of cabinets, nightstands, etc.
Perhaps, in any home there is a shoebox, perhaps even a little dusty. She will be a godsend. Put your gift there and forget about it until December 31st. A child is unlikely to examine this part of your wardrobe.
If the gift does not deteriorate from the cold, then it can be left on the balcony or loggia - children, most likely, will not look for it there.
Leave a gift at work or with neighbors - your child will certainly not look there. Just don't forget to pick it up so you don't have to come back for it.
Before the holiday, do not just put a gift under the Christmas tree, but show your imagination. For example, come up with a fun, guided route that your child will need to follow to get what they want. And most importantly - do not forget to make the unusual out of the obvious. After all, life is full of amazing and unique moments.