You caught your child in a lie and you are very worried about it. Stop yelling, calm down and try to figure out why this happened.

1. Reasons
A child can cheat out of noble motives, it can happen by accident or deliberately, during the period of active development of speech it can be due to a flight of fantasy.
If the child deliberately lied, chances are they did it for one of three reasons:
- He tries to avoid punishment for any act;
- He thus seeks to attract the attention of his parents;
- He has some problems that need to be addressed.
Think in the same way if this is the fault of the adults. What can make a child lie:
- Excessive custody and, on the contrary, lack of attention;
- Jealousy, rivalry with other children in the family;
- Reaction to cruel or unfair punishment;
- Imitation of someone from the family or close environment.
2. What to do
- If the child lied for the first time, it happened by accident or through the fault of one of the adults, do not punish him, and if the child himself confessed, then praise him for his honest act.
- Do not react violently by frightening the child. The fear that he will endure at this moment will be remembered and will force the child to lie again in order to avoid punishment.
- Show by example that doing honesty is the right thing to do.
- Do not make remarks, and even more so do not punish the little deceiver in the presence of strangers.