The sexual aspect is one of the most important in relationships and marriage. A loss of interest in sex can negatively affect your relationship and even lead to separation.

Psychological problems
This reason is more common in women, since for them sex is associated not only with physical, but also with emotional experiences. Often, interest in sex disappears due to strong and or often repeated stresses - not only negative, but also positive. Problems at work, a difficult situation with family members, and even joyful events such as preparing for a wedding and having a baby can reduce sex drive. Libido can also decrease due to family problems. If the husband often quarrels with his wife, raises his voice to her, then this will negatively affect the sex life of the couple. Another important reason for a decrease in interest in sex is low self-esteem. Negatively evaluating himself and his appearance, looking for the next shortcomings in himself, a person cannot receive proper satisfaction from sex. To solve psychological problems, you need to understand what exactly is hindering you, and get rid of this factor.
The psychological aspects of sexual life are dealt with by sexologists.
Replacing sex with another activity
Sometimes a person is so lost in any kind of activity that he cannot pay due attention to sex. Work, caring for children, a favorite hobby can replace sex life. At the same time, a person experiences great moral satisfaction, similar in psychological sensations to having good sex, when he achieves success in his favorite activity. That is, sex as such becomes unimportant to him. In this case, you need to understand that nothing can replace sex life, you need to distinguish between the ordinary and intimate spheres of life. Sometimes activity does not become a substitute for sex, but it takes away so much energy that it simply does not remain for bed exploits. Then you need to plan your day to avoid fatigue, and try to introduce a kind of schedule for sex.
Try to set aside a day off for your partner. Take a break from work, household chores, and other activities. Spend time with just the two of you.
Physiological problems
If the psychological aspects are addressed, and the problems with sex have not been resolved, it may be because of the health problems. Not only banal prostatitis leads to a decrease in sexual desire, but also some sexually transmitted diseases, inflammation and erosion of the genital organs in women, as well as diabetes, problems with the heart, liver, kidneys, diseases of the nervous system and hormonal disorders. Violations in sexual life are a reason to check your health and cure existing diseases.