What Qualities Does A Brutal Man Have?

What Qualities Does A Brutal Man Have?
What Qualities Does A Brutal Man Have?

Women like different men. Someone prefers diligent family men, someone former "nerds", and someone is attracted by sexy and brutal men.

What qualities does a brutal man have?
What qualities does a brutal man have?

Modern classification

The words "man" and "courageous" have the same root. Unfortunately, not all boys are destined to change their status, many live up to deep gray hairs, never having learned to take responsibility for themselves and loved ones.

In modern society, there are several types of men, each of which has pronounced qualities and characteristics inherent only in this type. For example: a mama's boy is an adult in body, but a child is in spirit. Cuddled and pampered, not used to decisive actions, not capable of high deeds and relying in everything on the opinion of his mother (or other older relatives); male nerd is a weak, weak-willed, insecure, but highly intelligent individual. Closed, leading a passive lifestyle.

Both types are not very charming and do not enjoy much success with women.

Brutal man - hunter and male

The opposite, contrasting option is a brutal man. This word has a direct bearing on the very same Brutus, the destroyer of Julius Caesar. In England, the word "brutal" is used only in a negative way, which is not surprising, since the word is translated as - cruel, rude, harsh.

Brutal men differ from "ordinary" men in masculinity, charisma, self-confidence and rudeness. All these qualities should be natural, pronounced, but in no way exaggerated.

That is, a man should have some harshness, but not rudeness, harshness, but not cruelty.

A brutal man takes care of himself - he is athletic, fit, impeccably dressed - and gives the impression of being 100% macho. External sexuality is perhaps slightly assertive, but attracts and attracts impeccably. He is full of dignity and will not allow himself to do low deeds. For subtle natures, a brutal man is seen as a male and a hunter, so it is, in general, it is.

All these qualities taken together, of course, are very attractive to the fair sex. The manner of courting such men is akin to military action. They'll just take you by storm! They will not give even a minute of respite, surround them with care and attention, disperse (sometimes physically) other applicants.

A brutal man needs to demonstrate his strength, be support and support, inspire faith and admiration. A strong woman will have to tame her temper - a brutal man does not tolerate competition, especially from women. Trying to keep such a man at his feet is tantamount to suicide. Do not expect to find a subtle esthete in this macho - he is too straightforward and does not distinguish shades. He is physically incapable of meanness and betrayal, over time he will become an ideal husband and father.
