Many mothers dream of sharing every moment of his life with the child. But what if life makes its own adjustments, and the woman urgently needs to go to work? In the absence of unemployed grandmothers, there is usually only one option - finding a nanny.

What should be the ideal nanny for your child? Each mom has her own requirements for the person who will spend time with her child. For some, this person should be exactly a professional with experience as an educator or teacher. For another, the first place will be the mental qualities of the nanny, the ability to understand the delicate and vulnerable soul of her child. And for the third, the medical education of the future nanny will be an important aspect.
To choose a nanny, you need to clearly understand what qualities the future applicant should have. For an infant, a middle-aged woman who has her own children, who knows the types of vaccinations and their consequences, is more likely to be suitable; who knows how to help the child to bring down the temperature and change the diaper in time. She should be responsible, without bad habits and vaguely similar to the mother of the child. Undoubtedly, for the baby himself, the absence of a mother is a great stress, therefore it is very important that the future nanny can treat him warmly and tenderly, pet somewhere and sing a soothing lullaby.
For a schoolchild, a strict nanny is more suitable, but she understands modern realities. Woman 45-50 years old, versed in computer programs (to keep the child's interest), as well as knowledge of the school curriculum and modern teaching methods. The future candidate must have psychological methods of influencing the student. At the same time, patience and restraint, kindness must be present in it.
But a nanny for a preschooler should be his friend and educator. Such a nanny should brighten up the child's leisure time, help him reveal his abilities in a certain area, explain the reason for those or other phenomena of life. For such a child, a nanny with the experience of a teacher is more likely to be suitable.
Whichever nanny you choose, always listen to the child's opinion about the person. Ask your child what exactly he likes (dislikes) in the nanny, how she solves certain problems in the absence of parents. It's good to talk to the nanny about the main problems of the child and his success in the absence of the latter. And, of course, introduce the future nanny into the family carefully and naturally, without unnecessary stress for the child.