What Qualities Should A Good Husband Have?

What Qualities Should A Good Husband Have?
What Qualities Should A Good Husband Have?

Women dream of being happy in marriage. But each has its own idea of happiness. So is there a necessary minimum of those qualities that a good husband should have? Such a husband, so that a woman is good and comfortable with him all her life.

good husband
good husband

1. Safe man. Security is not only about being able to protect you in a dark alley, but about being able to protect yourself from yourself. Unfortunately, domestic violence is not uncommon. It is important to look objectively here and assess the degree of impulsiveness of your man: how he behaves in conflicts, how he drives a car, how often and strongly he gets irritated by stress. If it is difficult for a man to control his emotions in such situations, this is an unpleasant call that is worth paying attention to.

2. Absence of bad habits and addictions. We all have the right to relax after a hard day with a glass of martini or beer, someone smokes, and someone sometimes likes to play cards with friends. In most cases, there is no threat to life and happiness in this. But if you notice that your man is abusing these bad habits, does not know how to stop in time, is ready to go into debt for their sake - run. You should not mess with such a man, even if you are confident that it is you who will help him overcome this. Relentless statistics show that it is difficult to cope with your man's addictions.

3. Ability to provide for oneself. If by the age of marriage your man is still unable to take care of himself, does not have a stable income, is constantly in debt or with help from his parents, then how can he take care of you and your child when it comes time for you to go on maternity leave? Will you be able to comfortably exist at this time and be confident in the future with this man? Pay attention also to “unrecognized geniuses”, to those for whom “money is not the main thing”, to permanently unsuccessful “entrepreneurs” - with such men you will be on a “starvation diet” all your life.

4. Common interests and values. No matter how different we are, living together still requires us to have comfortable communication and pastime. Discuss important points with your man in advance. For example, such as the number of future children in your family, relationships with parents, how each of you sees family leisure, housekeeping, nutrition, the distribution of the family budget, and much more that is important for you.
