For some men and women, overly explicit affection can cause embarrassment and some stiffness. The reason for this may not be so much sexual illiteracy as intimate smells and tastes.

Sometimes even spouses may feel embarrassed to talk to each other about things like smells and tastes during sex. Intimate relationships include smells and tastes of sweat, skin, and genitals of partners.
Occasionally, some caresses - mostly oral ones - can cause confusion. Some people stubbornly refuse to please their partner in this way, without explaining the reason. Most often, the answer is simple: in oral contact, great importance is attached to the sensations of taste and smell.
Hormones, pheromones
At the moment of physical activity or arousal, any person begins to release pheromones. These substances are found in small amounts in saliva and sweat, slightly more in vaginal secretions and semen.
It is pheromones that are responsible for a person's sexually attractiveness. The higher their content, the more attractive the partner.
Each person has a unique smell. Accordingly, the taste of semen is different for each of the men. The sperm protein is responsible for this, which at the same time protects the sperm and ensures disinfection. The taste and smell can be more intense if the main occupation of a man is physical labor, and with an active sex life, it is somewhat weaker. In young men it is slightly sharper, in mature men it is slightly more pronounced.
To a large extent, the taste and smell of semen depends on a man's diet and lifestyle.
How nutrition can affect the taste of semen
The usual taste of semen is distinct chloride. Nutrition can affect him, but not immediately, but in a day or two. Fruits and vegetables can improve the taste of semen - pineapples are especially good for this. On the other hand, alcoholic drinks and meat do not respond well to its taste.
Taking medication can cause semen to taste bitter. If it becomes sour, and bitterness manifests itself without taking medication, a fishy taste and smell are noticeable, this may be a signal to see a doctor, since these symptoms may be signs of a disease.
By following a certain diet, you can make the sperm taste the right way. Spicy and fried foods add bitterness, sweet juices add sweets. Oranges, garlic will make the semen hotter, and garlic will also increase its viscosity and quantity. Apples make the taste less noticeable, dairy products are somewhat specific and not pleasant for everyone.
The taste of semen can also be affected by how long the body has produced it. After being in the testicles for some time, she begins to taste bitter.