The feelings of a woman who finds out that she is expecting a baby is unforgettable. Now, it would seem, it remains to wait calmly and happily for the baby to appear. But time passes, bringing both joys and sorrows. And any little thing can bring the expectant mother to tears. At the same time, not only she herself suffers, but also those close to her. How to understand a pregnant wife?

Step 1
Sometimes it starts to seem to you that your pregnant wife has been replaced. She is angry and crying for whatever reason. Digs into himself, in your behavior, arranges quarrels from scratch. In general, he will always find a reason for resentment in the environment or in the behavior of other people. Believe me, this is the situation for many couples who are expecting a baby. Try to understand that the expectant mother herself is not happy with her whims. It's just that during pregnancy, the hormonal background of a woman changes. This causes an increased susceptibility to external factors. This means that the behavior of the spouse is governed by a completely not spoiled character. Remember: everything expressed in hearts, with tears and bitterness, is dictated not by her consciousness, but by hormones. After a while, the spouse will calm down and she will be ashamed of hurtful words. Step on male pride for the sake of family peace, hug the expectant mother and tell her that you love her anyway.
Step 2
A pregnant woman needs increased attention and care. Not receiving this (in her opinion), she is offended. And resentment grows into quarrels. Take an interest in your wife's well-being, help more around the house. Ask your spouse about pregnancy, stroke your tummy more often, talk to your baby. This will help awaken the father's feelings and affection for the child. It will be easier for you to understand the expectant mother.
Step 3
It would be wrong to blame everything on hormones. Sometimes a woman simply does not have enough maternal care. Taking offense and scandal, not wanting to grow up, in this way she tries to attract the attention of her husband, to find this care from him. Talk to your wife. The worries of a pregnant woman cause discomfort not only to her and those close to her, but also to the child. Go to a psychologist's appointment together to help your spouse understand herself, make the waiting time for the baby joyful and happy.