Nowadays, being overweight is not at all a shameful trait, and women "in the body" are valued among men as well as thin ones. The method of meeting such ladies has its own characteristics.

Step 1
Choose a suitable place to meet. If you prefer to communicate in the fresh air, it is better to approach the woman you like in some quiet and peaceful place. The best options for this are a city park, square, embankment, etc. Take your time, approach a woman walking or sitting on a bench and ask her some question that requires an answer. For example, ask how to get to a place and name a destination that you know yourself and which is nearby. Ask the woman to accompany you, and if she doesn't mind, start a conversation and get to know each other better.
Step 2
Meet a woman of the right size in one of our holiday establishments. Fat women often visit various cafes, as they usually like to have a tasty snack. Go to the table at which the lady is sitting and ask if she would mind if you sit down next to her. Offer to treat her at your expense and get to know her in between.
Step 3
An acquaintance in a sports center, which is also visited by overweight women who want to improve their figure, may be quite successful. There are many ways to get acquainted here. For example, it is enough to make a lady a pleasant compliment about her figure or help her to perform this or that exercise correctly in order to successfully get to know each other and start communicating.
Step 4
Pay attention to your colleagues at work or fellow students at the university. Perhaps there are girls of full build among them, and given that they study and work with you, you can easily find a common language with them and arouse sympathy in relation to you.
Step 5
If it is more convenient for you to meet online, register on various dating sites. This method is convenient in that women here publish their questionnaires with a detailed description of their appearance and photographs, by which you can easily choose a companion of a suitable build. In addition, at the present time, obese women are valued enough in a narrow circle of men, so they usually really want to get to know each other and are always well disposed to communicate.
Step 6
It's pretty easy to get to know the woman you like using social networks. It is enough just to send her a message with an offer to meet and chat. Some people prefer to arouse the interest of the interlocutor by posting funny pictures, audio tracks and positively evaluating the posts already posted on her page.