Since ancient times, society has advised men not to spin around the skirt of their neighbor. That is, you should not seduce a married woman. But since you really want to … There is nothing impossible, and to seduce a married woman is quite easy.

Before meeting a married woman, you should figure out why you need it. Actually, the world is full of unmarried beauties who will gladly go with you to the cinema / cafe / bed. But if you are so attracted to an unfree woman, then you need to follow the unspoken rules.
Large cannot
You cannot get acquainted with the purpose of seduction with the wife of a respectable and influential person. Rather, you can, if your health, and even life, is not dear to you. It is clear that in case of disclosure of the fact of adultery, your chosen one will be kicked out of the house, and you will be severely beaten.
You can't get to know the newlywed. Well, let the young enjoy the happiness that they honestly suffered for 1-2 months. Firstly, she simply will not notice you, even if you put her straight to bed. All the thoughts of the young wife are occupied by the young husband. So it's worth waiting a couple of years for the first passion to pass, and only dissatisfaction remains.
You can't meet unhappy women in marriage. You never know what a misfortune she has - between drinking / walking / beating. It is better not to get into such a family, it is absolutely inhuman. Although no, you can climb if you marry her later.
You can't get to know the husband of your chosen one. You should be aware of male solidarity. So you, most likely, will lose a married mistress, and gain a friend. Moreover, in a friendly impulse, after the third, tell him about his wife …
What can
By the method of exclusion, your field of activity extends to full-fledged happy families that have existed for several years, preferably with children.
Such happy women cannot escape their cozy, lovingly entwined nest. She feels good and comfortable there, though bored. This is what you are counting on. A little adventure will not hurt the lady, but nothing threatens your freedom.
You can get acquainted with such a lady anywhere - in a park, in a museum, at an exhibition, in a store, at work, or just on the street. By the way, at work it is better not to start a relationship, because colleagues are not blind, they will probably notice that there is something between you. And the bosom girlfriend will not miss the opportunity to whisper about this to her spouse.
How to get acquainted
Getting to know a married lady is as easy as getting to know a single one. It all depends on the place of acquaintance.
In a cafe you can sit down with her at a table with the duty phrase "What is such a beauty doing alone?" At an exhibition or in a museum, you can come up and discuss the exhibit. On the street, ask the time or the way.
Experienced seducers, even asking for directions to the nearest cafe, manage to immediately invite a lady to it. If she has no plans, then she will certainly agree to show the way and allow herself to be treated to coffee.
In the park, you can ask to call your cell phone, which you allegedly lost in the grass. Or you can just ask her phone to "call a friend, because your phone is dead." And call yourself. This will take her phone number.
There are many ways to interest a woman, the main thing is not to be banal.