It just so happened that there are fewer men in Russia than women. If at the age of 18-20 a girl has a chance to find a suitable husband, then over time these chances fade. But some ladies are not averse to meeting a married man and starting a relationship with him.

The reasons why ladies want to meet a married man are different for each woman. Some ladies, out of desperation to find a single partner, turn their eyes to those who already have a spouse. Some women just don't want to get married. And the offer will definitely follow if the man is single. There is also a category of women who want to meet married men for mercantile reasons.
Whatever the reason women have for meeting an unfree man, they are all immoral. It breaks up the family, deprives another woman of happiness. Still, there are ways to get to know each other, and there are several of them.
Where to meet
Married men are not clubbers. So it is unlikely to meet them in these establishments. Also, married men, if they are registered on dating sites, rarely go there.
You can get acquainted at work, if there are any among your colleagues. Family people love to have a beer at the sports bar or at the bowling alley with friends. As a rule, their wives do not accompany them there.
A wonderful place to meet a married man cafe / restaurant / buffet where he dines. You can also meet him at a gas station. In general, any place where a young man can be found without his other half is suitable.
But at an exhibition / in a cinema / in a museum, it is unlikely to get acquainted with a family man. Married people do not go to such places alone, as a rule, they are accompanied by their spouses.
How to get acquainted
Talking to a married man is not so difficult, it is much more difficult to find out his name. Finding out the phone number seems like a daunting task. But it is enough to draw attention to yourself … "Lose" your phone and ask the "object" you are interested in to call it. So you will find out the number, and tell me yours.
In gratitude for the service, offer to treat your assistant to coffee. During the conversation, listen more and speak less. Find out everything that is possible about him - if the relationship does not start right away, then you can use the information received. Anyway, men love to talk about themselves.
If you are in a car market or gas station, ask for help. The stronger sex likes to help ladies, especially when it comes to cars. During the conversation, try to intrigue him. Have a little secret. A man will certainly want to know her.
In a conversation with a married man, you should not be interested in his financial situation and complain about your own. His wife is constantly doing this without you. But you can ask about children (if any). Men practically do not take part in the upbringing of children. But they love to boast of the beauty of their daughter or the intelligence of their son.
Talk about his interests. Men also love to discuss their hobbies. By the way, it would be nice for you to familiarize yourself a little with the rules of football before "opening the hunt" for a married man. Few women share this passion. This will certainly intrigue him.
Most importantly, be yourself. You should not burden a man with your problems, you should not crawl into his soul, asking about his affairs. Just have a nice and casual conversation. Even if at first you become a friend to him, then your relationship can develop into something serious.