People who have been married for a long time are characterized by moments of fatigue from family life. Often, they are caused by quarrels, everyday problems, the accumulation of mutual grievances and the cooling of feelings. During this difficult period, next to a man, one may suddenly appear with whom his boring life will sparkle with new colors. And having crossed the forbidden line, step by step he will turn his long-term marriage into ruins.

The first "bells"

In the cycle of household chores, it is sometimes difficult for women to look around and notice that the husband has begun to subtly change. If you want, you can come up with many excuses why he is thoughtful and immersed in himself. Even cooling in the sexual sphere can be easily attributed to fatigue, poor health, or the extra pounds of the wife gained during pregnancy. The main thing is that work, the usual schedule, favorite hobbies remain in the spouse's life in their place, thereby lulling women's anxiety and anxiety.
Perhaps the wife will look for reasons for the extinction of passion and, without receiving a clear answer, will take a wait and see attitude. Or she will not attach importance, since for her herself sex has long ceased to occupy the first place in relationships. She will simply fill the resulting void with TV shows, chatting on the phone with girlfriends or social networks. Eventually, the uncomfortable situation will become a habit.
Who do married men want?

At the moment of the utmost loneliness and oblivion, a man can meet his "savior". She will be there, as if by magic. And it will not be at all a young lady with big breasts, whose image pops up in the minds of wives at the word "mistress". An outlet for a married family man, often, becomes his age or a lady a little older - a colleague, friend, neighbor.
Most likely, before the rapprochement, the future lovers knew each other for some time. The man secretly admired her independence, confidence, well-groomed appearance. She is quite capable of supporting herself, although she has not made an exorbitant career. Perhaps in the past, the lady had an unsuccessful marriage, there is a child. But he is old enough not to disrupt her plans, or is raised with the support of her grandparents.
How a man begins to cheat
The first time, cheating may not be planned in advance. Successfully prevailing circumstances, the unexpected solitude of lovers are pushing to her. Flirting, curiosity, the temptation to try something new - all this in one way or another contributes to the rapprochement of two people.
The man is again seized by long-forgotten sensations, comparable to the first years of marriage. He is interested in this woman, easy, comfortable. Unlike his wife, she does not load up with a heap of household problems, she always looks great. The mistress skillfully warms up the instincts of the conqueror with a calmly cordial attitude. On the one hand, he does not cling to a new partner and without him lives a full, rich life. And on the other hand, she is always glad to meet if he expresses a desire, and easily cancels his plans.
A man likes even a forgotten feeling of jealousy. The wife, who has turned from an object of desire into a servant, a teacher of children and a cook, has not aroused possessive feelings for a long time. And the new lady of the heart still needs to be kept, she can leave at any moment, and this, of course, excites the instincts of a conqueror in a man.
In addition, the mistress has the opportunity to show only one side of her life - smart and carefree. An old T-shirt, a bun on your head or a cleaning rag are reliably hidden from the eyes of an unfaithful husband and replaced with a sexy negligee, lush curls and a romantic dinner.
Traveling to it becomes an outlet and one of the few joys of life. Stormy sex, spiritual intimacy, unhindered leisure - for the sake of this, an unfaithful husband is ready to risk everything that he cherished until recently.
Secret romance
Adrenaline in the blood is fueled by a halo of secrecy, which lovers are forced to protect from accidental discovery. Scheduling new meetings, discussing details, the need to "keep face" in front of other people brings them closer together. Let it take a lot of time, a free woman has nowhere to rush. After all, she, unlike childless mistresses, already has a child, so the “biological clock” does not push to put pressure on the man. And the presence of a lady's offspring no longer bothers someone else's husband. Unlike his own children, he will not have to be raised if there is no great desire.
In the depths of the traitor's soul, a decision is ripening. He relaxes, behaves less carefully. As a natural result, the wife learns about his adventures.
What will be the ending

It is, of course, difficult for a deceived woman to resist a scandal. And she throws out all the grievances on the unfaithful husband, thereby making it easier for him to escape. He was already thinking about divorce, but here he just uses the excuse to slam the door demonstratively. And if the wife herself kicked out, then in the eyes of those around him, the man will be a victim that they did not want to understand and forgive.
Divorce is inevitable. The traitor leaves for a new lover. The wife receives children and alimony. The first time it will most likely be difficult for her. But sooner or later, the resentment will subside, life will begin to improve. Children will grow up, a woman, freed from half of her household duties, will take care of herself with pleasure. Once again, as in the best years, she will feel free, attractive, interesting.
Ironically, a deceived wife will also meet someone else's husband. Only now, being in the place of a mistress, she will already enjoy sex, pleasant company and not rush anywhere. Now she no longer has an obsessive need to jump out in marriage, since this stage has long been passed, and a new life, as it turned out, has its advantages.
And if, nevertheless, the lover leaves the family, a free woman will not mind. After all, they have love and mutual understanding in their relationship, which both lacked in past marriages. She will not remember her past emotions in the place of the deceived wife. And the current rival is unlikely to sympathize. In these delusions, false hopes, the search for excuses for their unsightly actions, the eternal cycle of husbands, mistresses and wives takes place from time to time.