Married couples, even living in complete peace and harmony, after a certain period of time begin to feel that the novelty of the relationship is lost, nothing new happens, and their life gradually turns into a routine. How can you change these feelings and add newness to the relationship? The ability of people to overcome moral difficulties and, in general, the strength of marriage, largely depend on the correct answer to these questions.

Step 1
Remember the first months of your acquaintance - you smiled more, joked, came up with something interesting. In a word, we tried to be original and not boring in order to please the partner. What is stopping you from working a little more now on the prospect of your relationship?
Step 2
If you want to add some flavor to your relationship, you can try to change the familiar environment first. These changes can vary in scale. Perhaps, for now, a rearrangement of furniture in an apartment or a grandiose renovation will be enough for you.
Step 3
Or maybe you should plan some unusual joint trip? For example, go to the taiga or go kayaking along the rough river. Interesting is not in itself the place of your stay, but the feelings that you will experience when you find yourself in a new environment, and new facets of your partner's character that you will get to know.
Step 4
Change your image. Go to a beauty salon and get some fancy haircut. Change hair color and makeup. Consider a different style of clothing. If you have preferred a classic or sporty style before, try a romantic or any other that you may have been thinking about, but hesitated to apply.
Step 5
Set a long-term goal for yourself that you need to work together to achieve. For example, learn to swim the way your other half can (or practice together). Or raise money to buy a house, etc.
Step 6
Analyze your current relationships, daily deeds and actions, behavior. If you live according to the same scenario every day, do not deviate from your habits and established traditions, it is not surprising that your relationship has become a routine, and your impressions have faded. Try adding something new or forgotten to your daily routine.
Step 7
Perhaps you should go to a restaurant together and have a candlelit dinner, dance, if you last did it in your "deep" youth. And you can do something unusual together. For example, take a cooking lesson, do fitness or take part in a billiard tournament. Or cheer for your favorite soccer team. It can refresh your passion!
Step 8
Don't get hung up on each other. You can add novelty to a relationship only by communicating with other people and getting any other impressions. By expanding the horizons of communication, you can see something new in the relationships of your friends and acquaintances, take something interesting for yourself.
Step 9
And finally, and perhaps most importantly, have a heart-to-heart talk with each other. Share your thoughts and doubts, discuss the situation and decide what is best to do and how to act.