How To Teach Your Child To Add And Subtract

How To Teach Your Child To Add And Subtract
How To Teach Your Child To Add And Subtract

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In preparation for school, special attention is paid to teaching counting. This rather complex process requires many skills from the child - the ability to quickly navigate, abstract, decompose numbers into simpler ones. This is best taught from an early age.

How to teach your child to add and subtract
How to teach your child to add and subtract


Step 1

Introduce your child to digital cubes already in the first year of life - help him line up the cubes or build a turret out of them, while naming the numbers. Then introduce him to the quantitative concept of each number. One apple is designated by the number 1, two apples are designated by the number 2, etc. Pronounce the names of the numbers loudly and clearly.

Step 2

Use the visuals for the class. Small children find it difficult to abstract, so take sweets, cookies, fruits, toys, pencils, etc. for your explanations. Teaching a child to count and add within ten is easy. The child always has two palms with 10 fingers, which will help to quickly count. To quickly master finger counting, the child must practice quickly showing the right number of fingers. Start with prime numbers - 1 and 2, 5 and 10, 10 and 9. Help your child deal with difficult fingers. Take your time, let the child count slowly.

Step 3

Introduce the child to how many sweets (4 and 2). Thus, go over the possible options for getting the number 6 (1 + 5, 2 + 4, 3 + 3, 4 + 2, 5 + 1), emphasizing that every time you get the number 6. Do not be upset if the child counts the candies every time. Be patient. One day he will understand what you are trying to explain. Likewise, sort out the composition of all numbers from 2 to 10, and later - to 20. Do not try to impose activities on the child. Use every opportunity to explain: when a child is treated to candy, when you cut an apple into wedges and a cake into pieces.

Step 4

So that the child does not get bored, come up with interesting stories where you need to help, for example, the zucchini brothers, divide into two groups, and the cherry sisters get into their houses in pairs, or how many mushrooms are left to collect for the hedgehog so that there will be enough treats for everyone. Teaching the child to add and subtract, draw, sculpt with the baby, so he will quickly master the count.

Step 5

Take advantage of the help of special guides. In almost any bookstore, you can find a huge amount of literature on teaching mathematics to children of different ages. The manuals were developed by educators and psychologists. They are usually simple and interesting tasks. Don't overwhelm your child with assignments. For successful mastering of counting, 10-15 minutes of daily practice will be enough.
