Both a very successful conception and intrauterine development, as well as the general condition of the unborn baby, directly depend not only on the mother, but also on the father. Today, there are not so few married couples who approach the issue of family planning with full responsibility. As a result, it is precisely such couples who manage to realize the full responsibility of fatherhood and motherhood even before their baby is born.

Nature is designed so that a child is brought up jointly by a father and mother, and from childhood society prepares boys and girls for the role of parents. Having matured, two lovers create a new family and after a while think about children who will become their continuation and bring vivid emotions into everyday family life. The appearance of a baby in the family awakens previously unknown feelings in a man and a woman, but not every man is psychologically ready to meet his child.
To mentally prepare for fatherhood, future dads may find the following tips useful:
1. First of all, you will have to love the work at home, or at least start to relate to it easier. When the baby is born, the mother will be constantly busy with him: feeding, sleeping, bathing. Many young mothers will readily confirm that the time for washing, cleaning and cooking dinner is sorely lacking, because the child does not give the opportunity to do housework for a minute.
2. Remain calm and positive in all situations. A young mother may at first worry about every occasion and blame herself for everything if it seems to her that she is not caring properly for the newborn. The likelihood of postpartum depression or just a nervous breakdown is high, because her life has changed dramatically! Reassure your wife that she is doing everything right, and soon your life will go back to normal. Be her reliable support and faithful friend, ready to console her at any time. Even if you are very tired, multiply your fatigue three times to understand how difficult it is for your wife right now.
3. Develop your own methods of communicating with your baby. It's easier for a mother to calm the baby by breastfeeding, but you can also come up with your own way to calm a crying baby: sing an affectionate song to him, dance around the room with him in a smooth dance, put him in a stroller and shake him, or take a walk in the fresh air. You will definitely find an effective method that only you will apply.
4. Hug your wife more often. Immediately after childbirth, sex is impossible, and if a woman has undergone a cesarean section, she will have to abstain from sexual relations for a long time. But do not forget that right now your wife is especially in need of your affection and care. Caress her, whisper tender words and thank her for such a wonderful gift as a born baby. Just imagine what she had to go through to get him into the world!
5. Call family and friends for help. Grandparents can best help in caring for a child, because they not only have a rich life experience, but also a great sincere love for their children and grandchildren. If you cannot count on the help of relatives, call your close friends, let them sit for a couple of hours with your baby, while you arrange a romantic walk with your beloved alone.
6. Get up at night in turn. Understand that your soul mate also dreams of a full sleep and gets very tired during the day from constantly caring for the baby, so give her the opportunity to get at least a little sleep. Even if you only have two days off and a busy work week, on weekends you can always lie in bed longer, which means that night awakenings will not be so hard. Just keep in mind that children are very sensitive to the mood of their parents, and if you show dissatisfaction, your child will not be able to calm down for a long time.
7. Share your experience with your friends. Everyone is used to the fact that young mothers are constantly walking together, asking each other for advice and exchanging experiences in caring for young children. But what prevents fathers from sharing valuable information and supporting each other in such a difficult period of life? It will make you feel better if you find the same young dad and can discuss with him all the difficulties associated with the first days of newborns' lives.
8. Enjoy this short term! Even if at first, when you are just getting used to your child, it is difficult for you, you constantly want to sleep, and fatigue knocks down, but as soon as your baby learns to smile and gives you his first smile, you will understand that all these difficulties were worth it!