Having a baby changes not only women, but also men. With the birth of a baby, they become more responsible, sensitive, caring, able to enjoy even the smallest victories.

Scientists have proven that the birth of a baby in most cases radically changes the behavior of the newly-made father, his interests. However, during such a period, changes occur not only in behavior, but also at the physiological level.
Childbirth for two
A few decades ago, the presence of a father at the birth of his wife was considered something unacceptable, nonsense. But gradually the trend began to change. And husbands began to be allowed to participate together in this process, important for both. It is believed that in this way a man will better feel what a woman is experiencing, will be able to support her, cheer her up. And after this, there will be a completely different attitude to a newborn baby. For many of the stronger sex, the birth of a child is akin to a miracle. And paternal feelings in a man who has taken his own baby into his arms wake up much faster than in others.

The child changes his father's hormones
The fact that the birth of a child changes a man is scientifically proven. At the same time, the researchers studied the behavior of the man and his hormonal background. And they came to the conclusion that paternity even affects the chemical processes in the male brain. Perhaps it is these changes that are responsible for the behavior of the male father. At the same time, do not forget about the hormones that begin to manifest themselves even during the pregnancy of the wife. In men, during the carrying of a child by a spouse and after his birth, the level of oxytocin, prolactin, estrogen and glucocorticoids, which are produced during communication and direct contact with the mother and child, increase. But the level of testosterone during this period decreases slightly. Perhaps this is how nature ordered that the man was softer and calmer during this period and could not scare the baby.
Another interesting hormone is oxytocin, which influences the relationship between father and child and the psychology of men. At the same time, there is an interesting pattern: the more a man communicates and contacts with his baby, the higher the level of oxytocin. And accordingly, the father's attachment to the child is also higher. He begins to pay more attention to the baby, play with him more often and worry more.
Caring and attentive
A change in the hormonal background of a man affects his behavior and attitude towards the child. So even the most "callous" man who does not express his feelings and emotions becomes more attentive, caring and sentimental. He wants to often hold the baby in his arms, hug him, kiss him, hug him. It has been noticed that children most often calm down in the arms of their father.
The father-man begins to delight new, even the smallest, victories of the baby. He turned his head, turned over, crawled, the first tooth cut through - all this is a good reason for pride.
A young parent often monitors the cleanliness of their hands and the hands of their loved ones who communicate with the child. For some dads, hand washing is often fanatic.
Fathers begin to appreciate sleep more, because this is the only way to rest and relax, to escape from problems. And with a small child, every minute of restful sleep is precious.
Another interesting fact: young fathers are more likely to spend time in the toilet. At the same time, stomach problems have nothing to do with it. Just a toilet (or bathroom) is the only place where you can enjoy your moments of privacy.
Often, young fathers, in communication with other parents (on the playground, in kindergarten), discuss the successes of their children, games, and even ways of feeding their children.

Usually, male fathers do not forget to lock the door to their bedroom during intimacy with their spouse.
And feeling a special responsibility for the child, they begin to care more about their own health and personal safety, drive less and give up (even partially) from bad habits, alcohol and smoking.
Also, responsible fathers monitor their speech and behavior, trying to be a role model for their child.
As you can see, fatherhood seriously changes the life of men. But not all and not always. For some men, the awareness of their new status and the corresponding responsibility does not come soon. It can be very difficult to instill love for children in such fathers who avoid communicating with the child and helping the spouse with the baby. And sometimes it’s impossible.