The role of the father in the life and upbringing of children is incredibly important, and it only becomes more responsible when it comes to raising a daughter. From the very first years of his life, it is the father who is the ideal man for his daughter, therefore, they take everything that the father says very seriously. What must be remembered when raising a daughter?

Step 1
Remember that the behavior of the father towards his daughter is remembered as a kind of standard for the behavior of all men and, as a result, is the key criterion for choosing a soul mate.
Step 2
A father cannot severely criticize his daughter, regardless of what she did, because she can very easily perceive this criticism as a kind of men's attitude towards her.
Step 3
All comments that need to be made must be very gentle and correct. In addition, the intelligence or human qualities of the daughter should not be judged in criticism. The best option for criticism is to direct her attention to what can be done better or differently ("You are great for doing it this way, I like it. But let's try not this way, but in a different way. I am sure it will turn out well") …
Step 4
You can't negatively or critically evaluate your daughter's appearance, but you don't need to over-praise her either, that is, you shouldn't constantly compare her with other girls and say that she is the queen against the background of theirs. Father's praise is an excellent breeding ground for the spoiled child, who in the future will not be able to adequately relate to criticism.
Step 5
Maintain confidence in your daughter in all her endeavors and successes, because, in addition to femininity, she should also have an understanding that any woman can achieve a lot without the help of a man. It is important that your daughter understands and understands this.
Step 6
Do not shame her some indecency, especially in public. Understand that most of the time, your daughter simply does not fully understand what she is doing. Instead of shaming her, just explain the situation correctly and clearly.
Step 7
If you explain something to your daughter, do it respectfully, and in return you will receive trust and respect from your daughter.