In order to win a girl's heart, she must be surprised. And do it as often as possible, as beautifully as possible, as romantic as possible. If you try, show a little imagination, you can turn every day of your beloved into a real holiday.

Step 1
Present a bouquet of flowers. This is an easy, but very effective way to surprise a girl. As a rule, they are very sentimental about such gifts. Especially if they are done not only for some reason, but just like that. You can give a bouquet only from her favorite flowers, or you can make a gorgeous composition from a variety of buds.
Step 2
If money allows, donate some kind of jewelry: ring, brooch, bracelet. Moreover, a piece of jewelry can be presented as a surprise, or you can choose with it. With this act, you will not only surprise your beloved, but also confirm the seriousness of your intentions, even if you have not yet offered her your hand and heart.
Step 3
Spend a vacation or weekend with her at some resort, in an amusement park, take an excursion on a motor ship. At the same time, constantly surround the girl with attention, comfort and care. If you plan the event correctly and do everything the way it should, your girlfriend will remember this romantic adventure for a long time.
Step 4
To turn every date into a little romantic adventure, think in advance where you will take her. And every time you drive to different places in order to fulfill the main rule - to surprise your beloved. You can show the most beautiful place in the city, go to the cinema, theater, museum, have a picnic in nature.
Step 5
Surprise the girl with an unusual gift. If you can draw, draw her portrait or painting. If you don't know how, order a painting from an artist or write it using specialized computer programs, for example, Photoshop. Know how to sing - record a song dedicated to her, or sing a serenade under her window.
Step 6
Write a declaration of love or congratulations on any holiday in large letters on the asphalt under her window. This can be done with chalk or paint. Pay attention to the size of the letters so that your lettering looks even and beautiful. But do not forget: if you are caught doing this by the police, you will have to pay a fine.
Step 7
If a girl goes to work, surprise her right during the working day. For example, send a bouquet of flowers by courier, in which you can attach a note with declarations of love or just a beautifully designed letter with confessions. By the way, the letter can also be electronic, if the beloved has a personal computer at work.